Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Understanding Addictive Behaviour

How many times has someone said to their loved one “Don’t drink so much – just have one drink”. Many say this frustrated that the person seems to have too much to drink once they start – why can’t someone just have one or two – why does it have to be a bottle or more?

To someone without an addiction personality they can do this – however someone that has an addictive personality then its not possible. An alcoholic, if having a first drink will always have a second and then a third – there is no off switch – they drink to much and often there is a consequence. They are not doing it on purpose – the addictive personality wants “more and more”. Unfortunately, if someone has an issue with drink this needs to be explored and if the person concedes this to be the case then the only solution to an alcohol issue is complete abstinence. This is hard to come to terms with and this is the essence of the work that I do at Addiction Care.

This does not just apply to alcohol – it applies to drug use, gambling, food, relationships, co-dependency, sexual behaviour, pornography, spending, social media, computer games and work. Almost anything in extreme use can be classified as an addiction.

Often the first step is to have an assessment with me – an assessment takes 75 minutes and often sitting in a completely confidential space with me, the person hears the truth about their own situation. Then they can start to decide what kind of a future they wish. I never tell a person what to do – that’s not my job – I help them reflect on the truth and then allow and support them to change if it’s their choice.

You can’t give up the addiction without understand the reason / thinking behind the addictive behaviour. You can’t stop on “strength of Character” or “Willpower” or “Determination”. Addiction Therapy will help you understand the thinking and triggers behind needing to use the behaviour – once you understand the reasons that trigger you then you can ACCEPT that the addictive behaviour has a negative consequence in your life and then you make the CHOICE to stop the behaviour.

My name is Peter. I am 22 years sober of a drink and 22 years clean of a drug. I specialise in helping clients in 1-1 Therapy – Face to Face or Zoom – explore their behaviours and look at how it affects them or their loved ones. I am passionate about helping and our sessions will, be completely private and confidential.

I work from the centre of Guildford and take pride in helping clients recover from their addictions.

My phone is on 24 x 7 – call me for a chat. 01483 533808 or email me on

Take a look at my website

October 2023 – A Thought for Christmas Festivities.

The clocks are going back soon – Christmas will be here sooner rather than later. The pressure builds on people to over socialise, attend dinner parties, attend friend’s parties, attend business functions and works parties. Christmas and New Years Eve festivities.

For those with a problem around drink this time can be miserable. One drink normally leads to several and often to negative consequences. It’s hard to say no and to keep sober. If someone has a problem with alcohol and drinks alcoholically – then the first drink is the problem. The pressure during this time of year is that others not affected say “Just Have One” – someone with a problem with alcohol can’t – there is the problem!

This is not just true of people with alcohol problems – all addictions are the same.
Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Food, Pornography, and Co-dependency are all the same. For people with an Addictive Personality – “One is to many and a thousand never enough” – all have the problem. No matter whatever the drug of choice is.

My name is Peter. I am 21 years sober of a drink and 21 years clean of a drug. I specialise in helping clients in 1-1 Therapy – Face to Face or Zoom – explore their behaviours and look at how it affects them or their loved ones. I am passionate about helping and our sessions will, be completely private and confidential.

I work from the centre of Guildford and take pride in helping clients recover from their addictions. If you need counselling for an alcohol addiction or any other addiction get in contact today.

My phone is on 24 x 7 – call me for a chat. 01483 533808 or email me on

Take a look at my website

New Year Resolutions!!

A New Year and we all make that promise.  I will stop drinking or not drink so much. No more drugs. That’s the last bet I will ever have. I am going to lose 3 stones in weight. That’s the last time I look at pornography.

No matter what the addictive behaviour is linked to – Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Overeating, Sex, Porn, Work, Relationships, Computer Games, Spending. We all make promises that it will be different from today.  A few days later, a few weeks later – even a month later – there is a relapse, and we return to that old behaviour.

You can’t give up the addiction without understand the reason / thinking behind the addictive behaviour. You can’t stop on “strength of Character” or “Willpower” or “Determination”. Addiction therapy will help you understand the thinking and triggers behind needing to use the behaviour – once you understand the reasons that trigger you then you can ACCEPT that the addictive behaviour has a negative consequence in your life and then you make the CHOICE to stop the behaviour.

Its so difficult if your loved one is telling you to stop – its so much easier if you understand the process and then make the CHOICE yourself to stop.

Once you understand what triggers you it then becomes easier to move forwards in life and start enjoying The New Year.

At Addiction Care – I help clients with all forms of addiction.  Its face to Face and its totally confidential.

Contact me now and let’s have that first chat.


Sex Addiction is on the increase.

It is difficult to realise the addictive behaviour at first, as it is driven by the accessibility on the internet – as all addictions, use escalates in a very subtle way until the person is preoccupied and obsessed by the ritual of use. Porn and other associated websites are easily available and can be looked at covertly and therefore away from the eyes of our loved ones. Unfortunately, it can have devastating effects on the person – shame and guilt – and equal devastation to loved ones and partners caught up in the consequence of the addiction.

Sex addiction can take several forms and, in most cases, means that the person is involved with compulsive acts; these acts could be – chat rooms, pornography, masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cybersex, multiple relationships, dating agencies, escort agencies, massage parlours, sex workers and prostitutes.

My name is Peter Davies and I have been helping clients with addiction issues of all sorts over 17 years. Sex Addiction is destructive on so many levels, but recovery is possible. Like all addictive behaviours firstly the client needs to understand and talk about the addictive behaviour along with the consequences and then they can start their Journey of Recovery.

I offer 1-1 Counselling and all sessions are held in the strictest of confidence. Like in many things the healing starts once the client begins to talk about their addictions and hears from me that they are not a bad person or the only person in the world that has a problem but that they are a good person and just need help in breaking the addictive behaviour.

At Addiction Care – I help clients with all forms of addiction. It’s face to face and it’s totally confidential.

Contact me now and let’s have that first chat.


All addictions are the same in content whether it be:- alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, internet, gaming, spending, food or relationships.  Once a person has become addicted to something then the only way to get clean from that addiction is total abstinence from that addiction. To do that the person will generally need addiction counselling.

That’s very difficult to understand and grasp. Asking someone not to have another drink is not what the person wants to hear.  However – every time the alcoholic picks up a drink it leads to a second and a third drink – and so on – until there is a negative consequence.

In the case of alcohol – an alcoholic can live their life without the need for alcohol.  Other nonalcoholic drinks are plentiful, and the body does not need alcohol.

What about a Food Addiction?  A food addict can’t stop eating food! Food is needed to fuel the body.  In the case of Compulsive Overeating – this is a form of Food Addiction.  The person eats “comfort foods” – the food is of no value – the sugar in the food gives the person a “high” and acts as a short term comfort to the person’s issues and then the body stores the unwanted food as fat – hence the weight gain and a vicious circle of behaviour leading to negative consequences.

Being in recovery from a Compulsive Eating Addiction the client needs to identify their “trigger foods” and remove them from the diet – much the same as an alcoholic must remove the alcohol from their life.  Once this is done the body learns to survive off good foods and then their weight will normalize.  My job with the client is to help them manage this and then use psychotherapy to explore what is making the person feel unhappy in their life and therefore using food to comfort themselves.

At Addiction Care – I help clients with all forms of addiction.  It’s face to face and it’s totally confidential.

Contact me now and let’s have that first chat.

A Thought About Addiction

An addiction can be using anything to change the way a person feels. You can use – alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, pornography, food, exercise, work, spending.
To understand if someone has started to use one of the above addictively, I ask them to consider the following:

Is what you are using Preoccupying your thoughts?

Is what you are using an Obsession?

Is what you are using Compulsive?

Is what you are using accompanied by a set of Negative Consequences?

If any of these four ring true to you then you are using something to change the way you feel and its either getting close to an addiction or has become an addiction. To understand more about these four indicators – watch the video on my website “What is an Addiction”.
Recovery is possible from an addiction – the sooner you understand what is going on the sooner you can start feeling better in recovery. Its not what you have done in the past – more what and how you are going to live the future.
I am 19 years into my own recovery from addiction and I am here to help you.

I work from the centre of Guildford and take pride in helping clients recover from their addictions.
My phone is on 24 x 7 – call me for a chat. 01483 533808 or email me on
Take look at my website

2021 Is The Year To Stop Drinking

January is a time when people make New Year’s resolutions to stop drinking. 

People wait until January even though their drinking has been problematical for months before. After they start again then drinking quickly escalates back form just one or two drinks at weekends to a drink every day – chaos comes back into their lives again – jobs suffer, loved ones argue and families feel the consequences.

If there is a drinking problem, it will not go away.

The person may need professional help.  I am Peter Davies; a fully qualified Addictions Therapist and my company is Addiction Care based in Guildford.  I specialise in helping people come to terms with their addiction and I guide them through the chaos into long term recovery from their drinking problem.  I have been sober now for 19 years – so I know what it’s like to have a drinking problem and I know how to help you leave the drinking behind and get on with your life.  I help clients on a 1-1 basis.  My treatment is totally confidential. 

I not only help clients with alcohol problems but with all addictions – alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, relationships, co-dependency, food, spending, gaming and internet, pornography.

I work from the centre of Guildford and take pride in helping clients recover from their addictions.

My phone is on 24 x 7 – call me for a chat. 01483 533808 or email me on

1-1 Help With Gambling Guildford

Being able to gamble is something that is available 24hrs a day. With the rise of the internet, within a few simple steps, you can have an online account created with any online casino and gambling then goes completely unchecked. As such, I have noticed a dramatic rise in the number of people who need help with dealing with a gambling addiction. It’s certainly true to say that this type of addiction can be completely destructive in terms of your personal finances, relationships and your overall health, but I am here to help.

With the 1-1 help with gambling I provide, I will help you understand why you have become addicted to gambling. The unfortunate reality with a gambling addiction is that you will continue to gamble if you are winning and you will also likely chase your losses if you are losing to bring back the overall high of winning again. This repetitive behaviour does not take long to form an addiction and one that starts to control you and not that other way around.

Whether you are concerned about your own attitude towards gambling or you are have a loved one who you know has a problem with gambling, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can call me 01483 533808 and I am here to help with 1-1 assistance with gambling addiction.

Addiction Care is here for 1-1 help with gambling in Guildford

1-1 Alcohol Therapy Guildford

Feel safe and understood with my 1-1 alcohol therapy in Guildford

Are you someone who struggles to know when to stop? Perhaps you’ve always been labelled the “life and soul of the party” and are known for maybe taking it too far? Or maybe you’ve finally realised that you’re too dependent on alcohol? Whatever has made you come this far; you have already taken a big first step in confronting your addiction to alcohol.

It may sound scary and daunting but admitting that you have an addiction to alcohol can be a revelation, and it’s important to know that there is help available.

At Addiction Care, I understand you may feel shame, embarrassment, or despair, however with my help and your commitment, I believe we can overcome many obstacles and get you back on your feet.

I offer you a safe, non-judgemental environment with my addiction therapy, and I hope that you can join me at a suitable time to arrange an initial consultation. For personalised therapy that will put you back in control, get in touch via my contact form and I’ll get right back to you.

1-1 Effective Therapy Guildford

Give yourself another chance at happiness with my 1-1 therapy in Guildford

Have you been told by loved ones that they’re worried about your addiction? Perhaps you’ve realised that you are dependent on drugs or alcohol? Maybe you’re facing an addiction to sex or porn and feel great shame?

At Addiction Care I specialise in a range of addictive therapies and can help you with your addiction in Guildford. I’ll give you a safe platform for us to explore your addiction in great detail, looking into where you think it began and together, we’ll find suitable ways to move forward.

Our sessions are personalised and tailored to your needs, going at your pace every step of the way. By choosing my help and understanding, you will be able to talk about your issues in complete confidence with no judgement.

With your commitment and my expertise, I believe we can make fantastic steps towards a more positive and stable future. To get in touch about booking an initial appointment, just follow the form on my website.

If you would like to have a confidential chat about the problems you’re facing, then please call me on 01483 533 808.

1-1 Drugs Support Guildford

If you fear that you have an addiction to drugs in Guildford, it’s important to not only admit that you have a problem, but seek the right help. Although it may be easier to live in denial or hope that it will fade away, chances are it will only grow worse and you may face bigger hurdles further on down the line.

If you want to take the first steps towards facing your addition, I am here to help.

At Addiction Care I offer a safe space in which we can explore your addiction to drugs. Whilst it may seem like a high mountain to climb, I provide a non-judgemental platform in which together we can explore where it began, how it affects your life and how you can overcome it.

If you’re ready to face your addiction head on and change your life for the better, get in touch via the contact form where you can book an initial appointment. To speak to me about booking an initial appointment and to take that very first step towards a life free from your addiction, fill out the contact form and I’ll get right back to you.

Drug Addiction Treatment

Improve your life with my drug addiction treatment in Guildford

Having a drug addiction can be a lonely and isolating place to be. What may have started out as an innocent experiment can quickly spiral into a full-on drug addiction. If you’ve recently become aware that you are facing a drug problem and wish to tackle your demons, I am here to help.

Here at Addition Care, I am passionate about helping those who face a wide range of addictions in Guildford. I have the skills and qualifications needed in order to help you in the right way, and with your commitment, I believe we can make excellent progress.

Our sessions are personalised and tailored to your needs, going at your pace every step of the way. With your collaboration and my understanding, you will be able to talk about your issues in complete confidence with no judgement.

If you are ready to take the first step and talk about your drug addiction in a safe environment, I am here to for you. Fill out the contact form on our website and select your chosen treatment or speak to me today on 01483 533808. I look forward to helping you with your drug addiction and hopefully finding a positive way to move forward.

1-1 Alcohol Therapy Harley Street

Are you looking to make a real positive change this year to your life? If you have become aware that you have an addiction to alcohol, whether that’s because you have hit a crisis point or family members or friends have highlighted to you their concern, then I can help at Addition Care. The first step to overcoming an addiction to alcohol is being honest with yourself and realising you have a problem with drinking. If you have become dependent on alcohol on a daily basis then I can help you get your life back into your control.

1-1  alcohol therapy from Addiction Care

From my Addiction therapy clinic in Harley Street, I will help you understand why you have become addicted to alcohol. Alcohol in itself has addictive qualities, however, there is likely to be an underlying issue which caused you to start relying on alcohol. Only once those issues have been discovered and resolved can true recovery begin. I am here to support you throughout this entire process and teach you the copying strategies with learning to remove alcohol from your life in a normal day-to-day setting.

If you would like more information or to just have a confidential chat, please call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to assisting you.

Look no further for your 1-1 alcohol therapy Harley Street Clinic.

1-1 Drugs Support Guildford

Consider my 1-1 drug support in Guildford

Are you dependent on a drink or particular drug to get you through the day? Do you find it hard to make it through any event without needing to turn to the bottle? Perhaps you seek solace and comfort in gambling or gaming? If you feel like you’re dependent on anything such as drinks, drugs, sex, porn, gambling, gaming or food, perhaps you’re facing an addiction.

Take the first step and find out more

At Addiction Care, I offer expert 1-1 help with addictions in Guildford and I am confident that when working together, we can achieve fantastic results. I understand that confronting a drug addiction can seem daunting, but through the use of various techniques and open communication, you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and live your life free from your addiction.

For more information about individual therapy in Guildford, please call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help provide the treatment you need for your addiction so you can live your life free from its reigns. If you prefer, you can send your enquiry to me via my website and once received, I will reply to you.

1-1 Help With Drinking Harley Street

Do you need 1-1 help with drinking in Harley Street?

With alcohol being so easily accessible, it can be easy feeding your drinking addiction. Whether you prefer the company of a bottle of vodka to get you though the day or keep your drinking hidden from your loved ones, if you fear that you’re facing an addiction to alcohol, I can help you overcome your addiction and learn to live free from it.

Trust in my help to give you back your life

With my specialised help and expertise, together we can work through your drinking addiction and find the route cause. Specialising in addictions, I have helped many people confront their addictions and overcome them, and I am here to help you at this trying time.

For more information about individual therapy in Harley Street, give me a call on 01483 533808. I am here to help provide the treatment you need for your addiction so you can live your life free from its reigns.

If you prefer, you can send your enquiry to me via my website and once received, I will reply to you as soon as I can.

1-1 Gambling Therapy Guildford

Benefit from my 1-1 gambling therapy in Guildford

Much like other addictions, gambling is fine in moderation; but it can end up causing huge problems when done in excess. Whether you favour online gambling, betting shops, the races or anything else that revolves around gambling, if you fear that you’re facing a gambling addiction, the right help is here for you.

Trust in Addiction Care when faced with a gambling addiction

Whilst it may seem daunting to explore such sensitive territory, with my help and your commitment, I believe we can tackle your gambling addiction together and find a way which leads you to live a healthy live free from your addiction.

By trusting in my addiction help in Guildford, you can work on your addiction in a safe and structured environment. My addiction treatment programmes are patient-focused, which means that we work together to understand why you have become addicted to gambling in the first place.

Get help today from me by calling me on 01483 533808. I am here to help with my 1-1 addiction treatment programmes in Guildford, and I look forward to helping you improve your current situation.

1-1 Help Stopping Gambling Harley Street

Could you benefit from my 1-1 help stopping gambling in Harley Street?

Whether you’re a regular at the bookies, prefer to gamble online or favour the race tracks, if your gambling has become overwhelming and has transformed into an addiction, now is the time to act.

Just like other addictions, gambling is fine in moderation; but it can end up causing huge problems when done in excess. Not only can an addition to gambling take over your life, but it can affect your bank balance and result in huge debt. If the habit becomes secretive, it has the knock-on effect of damaging the trust between you and your loved ones.

If you’re looking to put yourself first in 2020 and address you gambling addiction, I am here to help.

At Addiction Care I believe that everyone should be able to gain access to affordable 1-1 therapy in Harley Street when they need it. I am on hand to help you make the first step and can offer treatment sessions that are suited to your needs.

If you would like to arrange an initial confidential consultation with me, please contact me on 01483 533808. I am here to help you through this difficult time, and I look forward to hearing from you.

1-1 Help Stopping Taking Drugs Harley Street

When you have a toxic addiction to drugs, any drug, it’s important to know there is always help available

What can often start out as an experimental experience can quickly spiral into a toxic addiction to drugs, taking over every aspect of life and robbing your freedom or independence. An addiction to drugs is not only one of the most common addictions but is also one of the most varied.

Ranging from a hidden addiction to drugs such as sleeping pills or painkillers, to the more obvious addictions to heroin or cocaine. When you have realised that you’re suffering from an addiction to drugs, you could benefit from my help with drug addiction in Harley Street.

Here at Addiction Care, I can provide you with the right support and help to ensure you tackle your addiction in the best possible way. Together we will learn everything there is to know about your drug addiction, and through my expertise in addiction therapy, I am confident that I can help you.

If you’re ready to face your addiction head on and invest in my 1-1 help stopping taking drugs in Harley Street, get in touch via the contact form where you can book an initial appointment.

1-1 Alcohol Support Guildford

Consider my 1-1 alcohol support in Guildford when faced with a drinking problem

Whether you’ve been told by family and friends that you may have an addiction to drinking or you have noticed your addiction growing, just coming to my website is an important first step towards overcoming your addiction.

How spending time with me can change your life for the better

By trusting in my addiction help in Guildford, you can work on your addiction in a safe and structured environment that gives you the support you need.

Whilst it may seem daunting and intimidating to explore such a sensitive territory that you may not have shared with anyone else, with my support and your commitment, I believe we can tackle your addiction together.

My addiction treatment programmes are patient-focused, which means that we work together to understand why you have become addicted in the first place. Whether you face an addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, porn or food, I am confident that I can provide you with the right help that could change your life.

So, to take the first step towards tackling your addiction in Guildford, get help today from me by calling me on 01483 533808. I am here to help with my 1-1 addiction treatment programmes in Guildford, and I look forward to helping you improve your current situation.

1-1 Alcohol Therapy Harley Street

Consider my 1-1 alcohol therapy in Harley Street

An addiction to drink can be devastating for you, your family and anyone close to you and whilst in the grip of the addiction, you may not realise the severity of the problem. However, if you have hit a crisis point or the people who care about you are concerned about your consumption of alcohol, then I am here to support you.

By giving you the right platform, you will soon be able to see that there is life free from your addiction.

Here at Addiction Care, I can provide you with the right support and help to ensure you tackle your alcohol addiction in the best possible way. Together we will learn everything there is to know about your addiction, and through my expertise in addiction therapy, I am confident that we can achieve fantastic results.

If you’d like to learn more about my 1-1 alcohol therapy in Harley Street, take a look around my website today. To speak to me about booking an initial consultation and to take that very first step towards a life free from alcohol, fill out the contact form and I’ll get right back to you.

1-1 Help Stopping Watching Porn Harley Street

Try my 1-1 help with stopping watching porn in Harley Street

Whether you suffer from an addiction to porn or sex, you have done the right thing by coming to my website. By visiting here, you have recognised that you may be facing an addiction which can seem both overwhelming and hard to believe, however I am here for you.

Sex addiction means you’re involved in compulsive activities despite them having negative consequences. If you’re addicted to having impulsive sexual encounters, for example, it can destroy a valued relationship with a partner. It can also lead to you catching sexually transmitted diseases and put your health at risk.

Whether your behaviour means you can’t enjoy a long-term relationship or watching pornography gets in the way of your personal life, you might benefit from professional treatment. Sexual addiction is rarely just about the sex itself; it’s often about a wish to feel desired and therefore wanted.

If you would like to find out more about how my 1-1 sex addiction help in Harley Street can help you, take a look around my website. To go ahead and book an initial consultation, just fill out the contact form and I’ll get right back to you.

1-1 help with drinking Guildford

Do you need 1-1 help with drinking in Guildford?


Have you been told by friends or family that you drink too much? Are you even aware of how much you drink on a daily basis? Perhaps you’ve finally come to the conclusion for yourself that you are suffering from an addiction?

Addictions become apparent normally when the person hits a point of crisis where the severity of the problem is realised. If this has happened to you, then I know the emotions you will be going through, these can include denial, embarrassment, shame and worry whilst still having the compulsion to drink.

Alcohol is a drug and facing an addiction to it in the UK is on the rise, I too have been addicted to alcohol and have now been in recovery for a number of years and I want to help you as well.

Whilst realising you are addicted to alcohol can be a worrying and scary time, I am here to help. I provide 1-to-1 addiction treatment programmes in Guildford to help you work through and recover from your drink addiction.

If you would like more information or to arrange an initial consultation with me, please call 01483 533808. I am here to help, and I look forward to hearing from you.

1-1 Help With Drugs Guildford

Have you hit a crisis point in your life where you now realise or have been made to realise that you are addicted to drugs? It can take some time for this realisation to strike, as often drug use starts as a recreational activity but over time, dependency occurs and you have to take drugs to function on a day-to-day basis.

Here at Addiction Care, I can help you get your life back into your control so you are no longer controlled by your drug use with the use of 1-1 treatment programmes. There is no judgement. I am here to help you recover from what is now an illness and something that alone is extremely hard to overcome. There are certain critical steps that need to be followed to start the process of recovery and I am here to support you throughout the entire journey. Recovery does not happen overnight, it takes time, patience and willpower but with a structured treatment programme, you are helping to ensure you are taking the right, positive steps forward.

If you have any questions about the 1-1 drugs therapy treatment programmes I provide at Addiction Care, please call me on 01483 533808.

Look no further for your 1-1 help with drugs Guildford programme!

1-1 Help With Drugs Harley Street

Trust in my 1-1 help with drugs in Harley Street


An addiction can come in many forms, but sometimes it takes great character and courage to admit you have a problem. Maybe you’re feeling lonely or isolated with your addition to drugs? Perhaps you’re not certain if there is a way out? No matter the addiction you are facing, with my help, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and you can live your life free from your addiction.

Here at Addiction Care, I help people on a daily basis with my 1-to-1 drug addiction treatment in Harley Street. The structured treatment programmes I have created have achieved amazing results for my patients and I am confident that if we work together, we too can achieve something special.

With me, you will be in my expert care and given a space to talk about your addiction without any judgement. By giving you the right platform, you will soon be able to see that there is life free from your addiction.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on 01483 533808 for more information about the drug addiction therapy in Harley Street I provide. I am here to help, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Addiction Treatment Guildford

Try my addiction treatment in Guildford and see how your life changes


Would you like to start getting your life back on track before this year ends? Perhaps sex or porn is your crutch? Maybe you seek solace and comfort drugs or alcohol? If you have been battling with an addiction, then I am here to help you at Addiction Care.

By trusting in my 1-1 drug addiction support in Guildford, you will be offered a safe place in which you can explore your addiction freely and learn new ways to live your life. I provide many years of experience working with people suffering from an array of addictions, and I am confident that with your contribution, commitment and willpower, you can overcome your addiction once and for all.

Whether you’re suffering from an addiction to sex, drugs, alcohol, gaming or gambling, it’s important to know there is always a way out. If you would like to take the first steps towards overcoming your addiction, I would like to hear from you.

If you’d like to learn more about my 1-1 therapy in Guildford, take a look around my website today. To speak to me about booking an initial appointment and to take that very first step towards a life free from your addiction, fill out the contact form and I’ll get right back to you.

1-1 Help Stopping Sex Guildford

Welcome to Addiction Care, a space where you can explore your addiction to sex by using my 1-1 help stopping sex therapy in Guildford

Whilst it may not be as well-known as drug addiction or alcoholism, a sex addiction can have devastating consequences for you and your loved ones.

Researchers say that this form of addiction is on the rise, partly due to porn being more accessible but also because the internet enables people to hook up with strangers quickly and discreetly. Today, it’s much easier to cheat on a partner, with dating sites having been described as a ‘fuel’ for this type of addiction.

Whether you’re struggling with sexuality or relationship difficulties, I am here to help you with your sex addition

For some people, their sexual habits become uncontrollable, leading them into dangerous situations and ruining their ability to form lasting relationships. If married or in a relationship, individuals with this type of addiction often end up living a double life. This usually has negative consequences in the long-term. If any of these situations feel familiar to you, you could benefit from spending some time exploring your issues.

I offer a safe and non-judgemental platform in which we can look at the root cause and issues surrounding your sex addiction, and together I believe we can accomplish great things.

1-1 Alcohol Therapy Guildford

At Addiction Care, I am here to help you with the 1-to-1 addiction treatment programmes I provide. Whether you are concerned about a family member, or you are in the grips of an addiction to alcohol, not having control over something is an awful feeling. You may even have denial about the severity of the problem. An addiction to alcohol doesn’t always mean drinking to excess. It’s the inability to control the need to have a drink.

With my 1-1 alcohol therapy treatment, I will be able to work with you in complete confidence. I am here to help you understand why you have an addiction and like any illness, help treat the problem and for you to recover. Understanding what has caused the issues for you to consume alcohol and for it to then be something that you can’t control is one of the first major steps to recovering.

If you would like more information about the 1-1 alcohol therapy I provide, please get in touch by calling me on 01483 500 808. I am here to help and I look forward to assisting you with getting your life back in your control.

Look no further for the leading 1-1 alcohol therapy Guildford provider!

Individual Therapy Guildford

We all know about training our bodies, but not enough people know about training their minds, despite the fact our inner-most thoughts have a significant impact on our lives. When we get hooked into painful spirals of self-defeating thinking, for example, we may not know how to get our minds truly unstuck and focussed on a more helpful course.

With so many of us being brought up to hide and judge our emotions or to push them to the side, it can catch up on us and leave us feeling anxious and even ashamed when we feel overwhelmed, stressed, lonely or nervous. We may not have ever been taught to relate to difficult emotions in a truly constructive way.

If you feel like you’ve neglected your mental health and have perhaps sought comfort in food, alcohol, sex, drugs or gambling, my individual therapy in Guildford could help you.

With my specialised help and expertise, together we can work through your addiction and find the route cause. Specialising in addictions, I have helped many people confront their addictions and overcome them, and I am here to help you.

For more information about individual therapy in Guildford, please call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help provide the treatment you need for your addiction so you can live your life free from its reigns. If you prefer, you can send your enquiry to me via my website and once received, I will reply to you.

1-1 Help Stopping Sex Guildford

Try my 1-1 help with stopping sex in Guildford

Although not as well-known as drug addiction or alcoholism, sex addiction can have devastating consequences.

Researchers say that this form of addiction is on the rise, partly due to porn being more accessible but also because the internet enables people to hook up with strangers much easier. Today, it’s much easier to cheat on a partner, with dating sites having been described as a ‘fuel’ for this type of addiction.

For some people, their sexual habits become uncontrollable, leading them into dangerous situations and ruining their ability to form lasting relationships. If married or in a relationship, individuals with this type of addiction often end up living a double life. This usually has negative consequences in the long-term.

I am here for you and offer a place that is safe and non-judgmental

Whether you’re struggling with sexuality or relationship difficulties, if you have hit a crisis point or the people who care about you are concerned about your relationship with sex, then I am here to support you and your family. If you have any questions about the services I provide, please call me on 01483 533808.

1-1 Help With Gambling Surrey

Trust in my 1-1 help with gambling in Surrey today

An addiction is something that you don’t have to face alone. Whilst it may feel isolating and as though no one understands your pain, finding the right help could well change the way in which you live your life. If you’re looking for 1-1 help with gambling in Surrey, I am here to help.

Here at Addiction Care I am passionate about helping those who have to face their addiction every day. From the moment you wake up to when you eventually fall asleep, I understand that an addiction can take over your life and consume you. It can affect the relationships that you have your family, friends and co-workers and leave you feeling alone, isolated and as if you have no one to turn to.

Whether you’re facing an addiction with food, drink, drugs, gaming or sex, I can provide you with the right help and support. By spending time working on yourself with my 1-1 therapy in Surrey, we can go at a pace suited to you. I offer a safe platform in which we can explore your addiction- looking at your everyday habits to when you think the addiction started.

To learn more about my addiction help in Surrey and the surrounding areas, take a look around my website today. For an initial appointment, call me today on 01483 533808 or fill out the form on my website.

1-1 Porn Therapy Wanborough

An addiction to sex or pornography can be just as damaging to your life as having a substance addiction or addiction to activities just as gambling or work. With the rise of the internet, being able to access porn online is achievable 24hrs a day from your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile. Being able to stop yourself from watching porn if you have an addiction to this activity can be extremely difficult.

With my 1-1 therapy sessions, I am here to work with you to help you understand how and why you have become addicted to watching pornography. It could be that there are current issues with your life or relationships or something unresolved from early on in your life. Once we have identified why your outlet is to watch pornography, can I help you to recover from your addiction.

If you would like to have a confidential consultation with me to see how I can help with your addiction to porn, please call me (Peter) 01483 533808. I am here to help and get your life back into your control. If you prefer, you can email me on and once received, I will reply to you.

Look no further for your 1-1 porn therapy Wanborough provider!

1-1 Help With Drinking Guildford

Could you benefit from my 1-1 help with drinking in Guildford

We all enjoy a drink now and again. Whether it’s a celebratory drink, after work drinks or a tipple now and again. With it being so easily available to us, our dependency on alcohol can become overwhelming and sometimes develop into an addiction.

Whilst it may be hard to accept you have an addiction to alcohol, you may have found that you can’t go a day without needing a drink. Or perhaps your family and friends have staged an intervention around your addiction? No matter how you arrived here, if you feel like you’re ready to tackle your addiction to drinking in Guildford, I am here for you.

Here at Addiction Care, I help people on a daily basis with my 1-to-1 alcohol addiction treatment in Puttenham. The structured treatment programmes I have created have achieved amazing results for my patients and I am confident that if we work together, we too can achieve something special.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on 01483 533808 for more information about the alcohol addiction therapy in Guildford I provide. I am here to help, and I look forward to hearing from you.

1-1 Sex Support Chilworth

Trust in my 1-1 sex support in Chilworth today

Sex is both stimulating and rewarding, so it’s not surprising it can be addictive; in fact, this type of addiction is not entirely dissimilar to substance abuse as powerful chemical substances are released during sex, including a huge endorphin rush.

The causes of a sex addiction can stem from numerous roots, and the purpose of therapy is to help discover this and find a suitable way to tackle the addiction. It is commonly described as an ‘intimacy disorder’ and, like all addictions, can have a negative effect on both you and your family. If you feel like your sex addiction is taking over your life and you require 1-1 sex support in Shalford, I am here for you.

With me, you will receive 1-on-1 treatment to help you recover from your addiction and take back control of your life. My treatment programmes are patient-focused, which means that we will work together to understand why you have become addicted to sex in the first place.

Get help today from me by calling me on 01483 533808. I am here to help with my 1-1 addiction treatment programmes, and I look forward to helping you improve your current situation.

1-1 Help With Drugs Guildford

An addiction can come in many forms, but sometimes it takes great strength and courage to admit you have a problem. Maybe you’re feeling lonely or isolated? Perhaps you’re not certain if there is a way out? No matter the addiction you are facing, with my help, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and you can live your life free from your addiction.

By investing in my 1-1 help with drugs in Guildford, you can see that there is a life free from the restraints of your addiction. I will do all I can to ensure you are looked after in the best possible care and give you a platform in which you can discuss your addiction free from any judgments.

Being an addiction therapist, I offer years of experience working with various people facing various addictions, and I know exactly how to help you overcome yours. With your contribution, I am confident that together we can achieve some fantastic results.

If you’d like to learn more about my 1-1 therapy in Harley Street, take a look around my website today. To speak to me about booking an initial appointment, fill out the contact form and I’ll get right back to you.

Drug Addiction Treatment Harley Street

Have you arrived at our website because you’re seeking drug addiction treatment in Harley Street? Do you feel like your drug addiction has taken over your life? Maybe you’ve recently received an intervention and you are finally ready to face up to your addiction? Whether someone else has highlighted your addiction or you have hit rock bottom, it is never too late to recover and live your life free from your addiction.

By investing in our drug addiction treatment in Surrey, we will be able to guide you through your addiction and help you discover where it stemmed from. From there, we will work within set boundaries to ensure you feel safe and guided whilst we work through every element of your addiction.

Whilst we understand we’re not the only counsellors in the area, we are qualified addiction therapists who are passionate about supporting those who are battling a range of addictions. In addition to drug addiction, we also help those suffering from alcohol addictions, sex addictions, gambling addictions and eating disorders.

If you would like to learn more about us and how we can help you, take a look around the website today. To go ahead and book your first appointment, fill out the contact form and take the first step today.

1-1 Drug Support Surrey

Facing up to an addiction can be a scary, daunting and troubling time. Whether you’ve been fighting it for a few months or years, an addiction to drugs can deprive you of the basic functions that a human needs to survive and it can make you become incredibly isolated. If you feel that you are struggling with an addiction to drugs and would like to receive the best possible help, investing in our 1-1 drug support in Surrey.

Here at Addiction Care, we specialise in addiction therapy, so we know exactly what it takes to help those suffering from a drug addiction. By trusting in our 1-1 drug therapy in Harley Street, we can work with you every step of the way to help you overcome your painful addiction to drugs.

Whether its street drugs or sleeping pills, we’re not here to judge you. Instead, we will do all we can to make sure you are comfortable, safe and work within the correct boundaries to work towards a drug free future.

To learn more about our 1-1 drug support in Shalford, take a look around our website today. If you’d like to move forward and make the first contact, fill out the contact form and we’ll get right back to you.

Individual Therapy Harley Street

Could you benefit from individual therapy Harley Street?

Whilst it may seem like a scary concept, sometimes investing in individual therapy can change your life for the better. As it stands, many people still have certain connotations about counselling, but the results speak for themselves and pretty soon you could be living a whole new life. Whether you suffer from an addiction to gambling, porn or food, admitting you may have a problem is the first step.

Here at Addiction Care we offer 1-1 therapy in Surrey and the surrounding areas. Specialising in addiction, we can help with a range of addictions such as:

  • Sex
  • Gambling
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Porn
  • Food

We offer a safe and non-judgemental platform in which you can discuss your addiction freely with a qualified addiction therapist. By coming with us, you will be able to understand where your addiction stems from and learn new ways to cope. If you feel that individual therapy in Surrey could help you overcome your addiction, we would like to hear from you.

Fill out the contact form on our website to make the first step towards being free from your addiction. Alternatively, call us on 01483 533808 to make an initial appointment.

Drug Addiction Treatment Harley Street

Trust in our drug addiction treatment in Harley Street to get you back on your feet once again

Having a drug addiction can be a lonely and isolating place to live. Whether you’re addicted to painkillers, sleeping pills or common street drugs, there is always a way out and someone who can help.

Here at Addiction Care, we offer drug addiction treatment in Surrey and the surrounding areas to those who feel trapped within their addiction. Being addiction therapists, we specialise in a range of addiction treatments and can provide you with the right support.

By working with you every step of the way, we will be able to help you discover how your addiction began and learn new ways to live your life free from your addiction. With us, you will experience no judgement, our full support and a safe place to explore your addiction.

If you would like to make a change to your life, get in touch today to discuss our drug addiction treatment in Guildford. Fill out the contact form on our website to make an initial appointment or call now on 01483 533808. We look forward to hearing from you.

1-1 gambling therapy Puttenham

Could you benefit from 1-1 gambling therapy in Puttenham?


An addiction to gambling can take on many forms. For some it can be an addiction to horse racing, whereas others find their fix in casinos or online gambling. No matter its form, an addiction to gambling can not only cost people lots of money, but it can often mean losing friends and family due to its devastating effects. If you think you’re facing an addiction to gambling and want to take control, our 1-1 gambling therapy in Surrey could change your life.

Here at Addiction Care we are proud to offer our 1-1 gambling therapy in Shalford to those who are ready to take control of their lives. With the help of our expert therapists who specialise in addiction therapy, you could gain back control and learn to live a whole new life free from your addiction.

You’ll find our therapy centre to not only be warm and welcoming, but a safe haven where you can explore your addiction free from any judgement. We will do all we can to get you back on your feet in a safe and healthy way and will give you the tools needed to live your life free from the reigns of your addiction.

If you’re ready to take the first, and perhaps most important step, reach out to us today. Call us on 01483 533808 or fill out the contact form and we’ll get right back to you.

1-1 Sex Support Puttenham

Are you in need of 1-1 sex support in Puttenham?

When we talk about the types of addictions, people rarely wish to discuss addictions to sex. We’re often taught by our peers or society that it’s a taboo subject, which can make it all the more difficult for an individual to realise they have an addiction to sex.

For some it can be an addiction to porn, whereas others struggle to remain faithful to partners and become regular users of massage parlours. No matter what you’re struggling with, if you think you’re addicted to sex and require 1-1 sex support in Surrey, we are here for you.

Trust in our 1-1 sex support in Guildford

As scary as it may seem to step through our doors, we will give you a safe space in which you can discuss your addiction with an experienced sex addition therapist. Working with you and your addiction, we will give you the tools needed to overcome your addiction and provide you with non-judgemental ears.

Speak to us today about our 1-1 sex support in Burpham

If you think you’re ready to take the first step towards being free from your addiction, call us now on 01483 533808 to make an initial appointment.

1-1 Help With Drugs Merrow

Are you looking for 1-1 help with drugs in Merrow?

What can often start out as an experimental experience can soon spiral into a toxic addiction to drugs, taking over every aspect of life and robbing the addict of any freedom or independence. An addiction to drugs is not only one of the most common addictions but is also one of the most varied. Ranging from a hidden addiction to painkillers or sleeping pills, to the more obvious addictions to heroin or crack cocaine.

No matter your experience with drugs, if you have recognised your addiction and wish to make a change, the right support is here for you. By working with us at Addiction Care, we can provide you with 1-1 help with drugs in Surrey.

We offer a safe and non- judgemental platform in which you can explore your addiction and overcome it with the right support. Our 1-1 help with drugs in Puttenham has helped countless people see that their addiction no longer has to have a hold over them, and we are here to help you overcome yours.

If you’d like to learn more about our 1-1 drugs therapy in Puttenham, take a look around our website today. To speak to us about moving forward with treatment, call now on 01483 533808 or fill out the contact form and take your first step towards recovery.

1-1 Alcohol Support Surrey

Does your level of drinking concern you or has it been pointed out by people who care about you that they are worried about your alcohol consumption? If there is concern, then it is likely that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Accepting that you have an addiction to alcohol is not easy, it can feel like a weakness or that you are a bad person for having something in your life you have no control over. However, what you need to realise is that any addiction is an illness that can be resolved with treatment.

At Addiction Care, I provide 1-1 alcohol support throughout Surrey and the surrounding area. I am here to provide you with the treatment needed to help you recover from your addiction. The first stage is acceptance. You must accept that you have a problem with drinking that you need help with. Once you fully own the condition, we can then work together to discover why you became addicted and I will teach you the coping strategies needed to recover and remain in recovery for the rest of your life.

For more information about the 1-1 alcohol support I offer in Surrey, please call me on 01483 553808. I am here to help and provide you with the treatment you need this year.

Look no further for 1-1 alcohol support Surrey treatment.


Surrey 1-1 Drinking support


Whether you are physically dependent on alcohol consumption or you are emotionally dependent on alcohol, you may feel like you are completely alone with your problem or you may have only recently been made aware of the severity of your addiction to alcohol. However, alcohol is one of the most common addictions I treat here at Addiction Care. Alcohol is a drug and as such an addictive substance which is readily available on the high-street. It can be quite shocking how quickly an addiction to alcohol can manifest itself but the important thing to remember is that recovery is certainly achievable.

When in the grips of an addiction to alcohol, it not only causes massive physical and mental health issues for you, it will also be affecting the people you love. I am here to make you realise the severity of the problem and help you discover why you started to drink in the first place. Once we have resolved those issues, we can then implement the strategies needed for you to recover.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me today if you have any questions about the Surrey 1-1 drinking support I provide. You can call me on 01483 533808 and I am here to provide the help and treatment you need to recover from your addiction to alcohol and get your life back on track.

1-1 Drugs Support In Surrey

Any type of addiction, whether that’s an addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling or work (to name a few), is the output for unresolved mental or physical issues. If you have watched my videos online, you will know that I liken addiction to an iceberg. The tip you can see breaking the water is the addictive activity but the majority of the iceberg which you can’t see under the water is the reason for your addiction. An addiction can start due to unresolved anger, loss, stress, resentment, fear or relationship issues. By only dealing with the parts that you can’t see, can you start to recover from the addictive activity.

My name is Peter and having been addicted to alcohol myself and now in successful recovery, I know better than most the journey you will have to take. I provide 1-to-1 treatment in Surrey and I take pride on the help I have given to my patients to-date.

I would love to hear from you if you would like more information about the 1-1 drugs support in Surrey I provide, or if you need help with another type of addiction. You can call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to supporting you this year.

1-1 Alcohol Therapy In Surrey

2019 is here and let me first say Happy New Year! With the arrival of the new year, there is a major increase in people trying to change their lives for the better with resolutions which unfortunately for most, don’t tend to last past the first few weeks of this month. However, if you have decided that this year is the year you tackle your drinking, then I am here to make sure this is more than just a lacklustre new years promise to yourself.

If you hit a crisis point over Christmas where you have realised that you have a problem with alcohol or perhaps you have had people close to you comment on your level of drinking and you know it is an issue for yourself, then I am here to help with the 1-1 alcohol therapy sessions I provide. If left untreated, then an addiction to alcohol can quickly take over your entire life but I am here to help make sure this doesn’t happen.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like more information about the 1-1 alcohol therapy in Surrey I provide. You can call me on 01483 533808 and I look forward to hearing from you.

1-1 Help With Drinking In Guildford

Addiction Care is here to provide anyone help who needs it. If you are struggling with an addiction to alcohol or another substance or activity, then getting your life back into your control and feel like an impossible task. However, it is critical for you to realise that it most certainly is possible and with my 1-to-1 addiction treatment programme, I am here to help you and your family.

Since forming Addiction Care, I have helped people from all types of backgrounds and to-date, I have received some amazing testimonials from people who I have helped to recover from their addiction. Here are some of the things that have been said:

“I first met Peter in early 2017. He was recommended to me by my consultant… Peter immediately “got it”… If you are suffering from a terrible addiction, I would suggest you talk to Peter”.

“I can’t thank Peter enough for all of his help and guidance and I hold him in the highest regard”.

“I never thought my 20yr addiction to alcohol could be broken… My sessions with Peter, however, have finally allowed the next phase of my life to continue free from drink”.

Whilst you may feel completely alone at the moment with battling your addiction, I can assure you, you are not and the best thing you can do right now is to seek help. It is difficult to admit the severity of the problem but once you face it, recovery can begin and I am here to help you in 2019.

Look no further for 1-1 help with drinking in Guildford!

1-1 Gambling Support Surrey

When I speak to people who are in recovery from an addiction to gambling, they say a very similar thing to me. It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, you will always continue to gamble which means, unfortunately, you will always end up losing. If you win, there is the buzz of winning and not knowing or being able to stop. If you lose, you believe the luck has to change and you will keep gambling until you win and so on.

Having an addiction to gambling can cause severe money problems and health problems, both physically and mentally. An addiction to gambling if left untreated can also break down family units. Being addicted to gambling is just as severe and hard to recover from as being addicted to a substance such as alcohol and drugs. As such, I am here to help you with my 1-1 gambling support in Surrey.

If you have any questions or you would like to arrange a confidential consultation with me, please call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help and support you throughout 2019 and beyond.

Look no further the leading 1-1 gambling support Surrey treatment!

1-1 Addiction Programmes in Guildford

Are you worried that you have a problem with gambling or are you concerned for a loved one or family member? Gambling addictions have been well publicised in the media with the availability to gamble 24-7 through the internet. There are also the fixed-odds betting machines on the high-street which have been referred to being just as addictive as a physical addiction to drugs or alcohol.

To-date, I have helped my patients throughout Guildford and the local area who have hit crisis points with their addiction to gambling. I offer 1-1 addiction treatment programmes where I will work with you directly and help you recover from your addiction. Recovery is possible and whilst at the moment you may feel like you are in a terrible place, by working with me, I will help you get your life back into your control, no longer will you be controlled by your addiction to gambling.

An addiction to gambling is no different to an addiction to a substance in the respect that there will be an underlying issue as to why your gambling has become a problem. I will help you realise why you have become addicted and we will resolve those issues together. Through my treatment programme, you will learn the required strategies to avoid gambling and to control the feeling of the need and desire to gamble.

If you would like more information about the gambling 1-1 addiction programmes in Guildford I provide, please call me on 01483 533 808. I am here to help and I look forward to assisting you.

1-1 Help Stopping Drinking Surrey

Having an addiction to alcohol is an extremely difficult illness to overcome. If you realise that you have an addiction to alcohol or you are concerned with the level of alcohol you consume, then one of the best ways to recover is to seek professional help. At Addiction Care, I am here to help by providing 1-1 addiction treatment. I am here to work with you to help you put your life back in your control, not being controlled by your addiction to drink.

Addictions become apparent normally when the person hits a point of crisis where the severity of the problem is realised. If this has happened to you, then I know the emotions you will be going through, these can include denial, embarrassment, shame and worry whilst still having the compulsion to drink. Alcohol is a drug and facing an addiction to it in the UK is on the rise, I to have been addicted to alcohol and have now been in recovery for a number of years and I want to help you as well.

If you would like more information about my 1-1 treatment programmes, please call me on 01483 533808. We are here to help and we look forward to hearing from you.

Look no further for your 1-1 help stopping drinking Surrey facility.

Surrey 1-1 Addiction Help with Alcohol

Are you currently battling with an addiction to alcohol or do you suspect that you may have a problem with your consumption of alcohol? If so, then the best thing you can do is to seek help. I cannot stress the importance of speaking to someone instead of just trying to deal with the problem yourself or remaining in a state of denial. I know how hard this can be as I, myself have struggled with alcohol addiction. I have now been in successful recovery for a number of years and I have a passion to help others which is why I started Addiction Care.

I provide 1-1 addiction help with alcohol in Surrey. There is no judgement, only help. I take the time from the outset to help you realise why you have become addicted to alcohol, the negative effects it is having on your life and the steps required to recover. I have provided a wealth of information on my website with regards to my treatment programmes, which I hope you find of use.

If you have any questions about my Surrey 1-1 addiction help with alcohol programmes, please call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help and ensure you get your life back into your control.

Addiction Help Berkshire

Here at Addiction Care, I want to help you if you are struggling with an addiction. Whether you are addicted to a substance or an activity, it is highly likely that if you are now looking for help, you have hit a crisis point where the severity of your addiction has become realised. I offer 1-1 addiction treatment programmes where I work with you to help you understand why you have an addiction and what needs to happen to get your life back in your control. In recovery myself from an addiction to alcohol, I am well placed to know the journey you have to take and I am here to provide full support to both you and your family.

I have provided a wealth of information on my website for the 1-1 treatment programmes I provide. I offer a relaxed setting where I can help you implement the coping strategies you will need to ensure that you can deal with your addiction when we are not together. The road won’t always be easy but with the right support, you to can recover.

If you have any questions about the addiction treatment programmes I provide, please call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to assisting you and helping you get your life back into your control.

Look no further for your addiction help Berkshire provider!

1-1 Alcohol Support In Surrey

Have you found us online because you are looking for 1-1 alcohol support in Surrey? If so, then you have arrived at the right place and I will be able to help you. My name is Peter and to-date, I have been helping people throughout the local area overcome their addictions which includes an addiction to alcohol.

Whilst I appreciate that I am not the only provider of alcohol addiction treatment programmes, from the feedback I have received, I can say with full confidence that you won’t regret coming to me. Here are some of the key reasons as to why:

1)     Experience – I have many years of experience with providing 1-1 addiction treatment programmes. I am have also battled with an addiction to alcohol. This first-hand experience means that you are in safe hands with me and I know exactly what you and your family are going through right now.

2)     Results – The testimonials I have received speak for themselves of the results I have achieved for my patients. Through 1-1 sessions, I can focus all of my time with you to help you recover from your addiction to alcohol.

3)     Price – Cheapest certainly doesn’t mean best, especially when it comes to 1-1 alcohol addiction programmes, however, I make sure my prices are affordable so you are able to achieve recovery without the worry of the cost.

If you would like more information about the 1-1 alcohol support in Surrey that I provide, please contact me 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you.

1-1 Spending Addiction Treatment in Surrey

Treating yourself, your family or friends every now again is important and good for the soul, however, spending can become a serious issue if the activity becomes compulsive and you unable to control the amount and frequency you are spending. Like many addictions, an addiction to spending can go completely unnoticed for a period of time, it is only when a crisis point materialises that you or someone close to you will realise that you have a problem with spending.

An addiction to spending can have just as severe personal, financial, social and health consequences as any other addiction if left untreated. However, help is most certainly available and if you are based locally to Surrey, then I will be able to assist you here at Addiction Care. I provide 1-1 spending addiction treatment in a relaxed environment. I am here to work with you to help recognise that your spending is not ‘the norm’ and there is likely to be an underlying issue as to why you are compulsively spending. It could be that there are other current issues in your life that need addressing or experiences in your past have caused this addiction to manifest itself. Through my 1-1 addiction treatment sessions with you, I will help you resolve those issues and learn the strategies needed to stop overspending, ultimately putting your life back in your control.

If you have any questions about the 1-1 spending addiction programmes I provider, please call me on 01438 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to from you.

Look no further for 1-1 spending addiction treatment in Surrey.

Your Food Addiction Treatment in Guildford

Have you battled with an addiction to food for a period of time and to date, you have been unable to get the compulsive overeating and/or bulimia under control? If so, and you want to put your life back in your hands, then I can help you here at Addiction Care. I provide your food addiction treatment in Guildford in 1-1 treatment sessions. I will work with you to help you understand why you have a negative relationship with food and how this view has transpired into an addiction.

It doesn’t take long for an addiction to food to become a vicious cycle. You first have the overeating which can be in secret or in public, then the shame and guilt that follows causes you to over exercise, force on sickness or completely restrict food for a period of time. This in turn causes you to overeat again and the cycle goes on. Our personalised treatment sessions are designed to break that cycle. You need to learn how to have a positive relationship with food along with being able to resolve any issues that have caused the addiction in the first place to put yourself in a state of recovery.

If you would like more information about your food addiction in Guildford from me, please call 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you.

Guildford 1-1 Addiction Treatment

To-date, I have helped people local to Guildford and further-a-field recover from a range of addictions. Whether that’s an addiction to alcohol, gambling, drugs, work, food or something different, I provide 1-1 addiction treatment programmes which are bespoke to each individual person I work with. I am pleased to say that so far, this year, I have and continue to help my patients right now face their addictions and adopt the strategies needed to recover and remain in recovery and I would love to be able to help you as well.

Here is a snippet for what some of my previous patients have said about me and the treatment services I offer:

1)     “Peter immediately “got it”. He completely understood me and my addiction… If you are suffering from a terrible addiction I would suggest you talk to Peter”.

2)     “Peter’s approach restored my confidence and gave me hope… Within weeks of seeing him I was sober”.

3)     “Insightful, supportive and very understanding of my needs”.

Full feedback from some of my previous patients can be found on my website which I hope gives you confidence that I will be able to help you with your addiction.

If you have any questions about how I can help with the Guildford 1-1 addiction treatment programmes I offer, please call me on 01483 553808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you.

Surrey 1-1 Addiction treatment Help

Have you hit a crisis point in your life and you realise that you have an addiction which you need help with? Whether you are addicted to a substance such as drugs, alcohol or food or you are addicted to activity such as work, gambling or sex, I can help you. My name is Peter and I run Addiction Care – a leading Surrey 1-1 addiction treatment help centre. With me, you will receive 1-on-1 treatment to help you recover from your addiction and take back control of your life.

My treatment programmes are patient-focused, which means that we work together to understand why you have become addicted to a substance or an activity in the first place. An addiction cannot be recovered from successfully unless the underlying issue in your life is discovered and resolved. Once the issues are resolved, we will then work together to implement the coping strategies you will need to not fall back into the cycle of addiction when you go back to normal everyday life.

Get help today from me by calling me on 01483 533808. I am here to help with my 1-1 addiction treatment programmes and I look forward to helping you improve your current situation.

1-1 Gambling addiction treatment in Guildford

Having an addiction to gambling can be just as destructive as an addiction to alcohol or drugs. With advancements of the internet over the past decade, it is now possible to gamble online in secret 24hrs per day and as a result, I have seen a dramatic increase of people who need help with gambling. When speaking to patients I have previously worked with, one of the biggest problems with gambling is that you cannot stop, whether you are winning or losing. If you are winning, you keep gambling until you lose and if you are losing you keep gambling in the hope you will win. This can result in racking up large debts and causing financial instability which in turn will affect your mood, your personal life with family and friends and your career.

The 1-1 addiction treatment programmes I provide are designed to get to the root cause of your addiction. Why have you become addicted to gambling? There will be an underlying issue and this needs to be both discovered and resolved before treatment will have a positive and sustained impact.

If you need to get help with 1-1 gambling addiction treatment in Guildford, then please call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help you and your family.

1-1 Food Treatment in Harley Street

As a fully accredited addiction counsellor, I am here to help my patients who are currently facing an addiction which is negatively impacting their lives and the lives of their friends and family. One particular area I focus on is food addiction, which includes compulsive overeating and bulimia. This type of addiction, if not treated will have severe affects on both your mental and physical health, however, recovery is certainly achievable.

Dealing with a food addiction can be extremely difficult as you cannot simply cut out food from your life to aid with recovery. It is also likely that the addiction has manifested itself from your self-image and how you view yourself. Here at Addiction care, we deal with the mental issues first so we can then work on helping you build a positive relationship with food.

From our continued growth, we have now had the opportunity to open a treatment clinic in Harley Street to better serve our patients based in London. If you need 1-1 addiction treatment, then you are certainly in safe hands.

To arrange an initial 1-1 food treatment consultation with me in Harley Street, please call 01483 5333808. I am here to help you and your family with your addiction.

Addiction Care is the leading provider of 1-1 food treatment in Harley Street!

1-1 Alcohol Treatment Harley Street

Here at Addiction Care, we are pleased to announce that we have now opened an addiction treatment facility on Harley Street to better service our patients who are based in London. Harley Street is world-renown for the being the leading area for medical treatments both physical and mental and as such, I have made the decision that now is the right time to offer my treatment services in London.

A large proportion of the patients I provide my addiction treatment programmes for are people who are suffering from an addiction to alcohol. I am well placed to help you, not just with my experience and qualifications as a counsellor, but I have also faced and overcome an addiction to alcohol myself. Although the addiction affects people in numerous ways, I know the hard work and effort required to recover and I am here to support you throughout your entire journey of getting your life back into your control and not controlled by your addiction.

If you would like more information about the 1-1 alcohol treatment services I provide or if you want a confidential chat, then you can call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you.

Look no further for a 1-1 alcohol treatment Harley Street provider!

Harley Street 1-1 Drugs Treatment

Here at Addiction Care, I have noticed a large increase in professionals from London experiencing drug addiction. From speaking to them, there are a number of reasons the addiction to drugs has manifested itself. However, some of the common causes include high-pressure jobs along with the stress of coping in a large city which can develop into burnout and depression and drugs are taken to help relieve the stress. It doesn’t take long for this circle of behaviour to turn into a full addiction to drugs. As a result of this, I have started to offer my 1-1 drugs treatment programmes from Harley Street, so I can better accommodate my patients in London.

Having established myself as a leading drugs treatment counsellor in Guildford, you can be sure that you will get the highest level of care and support from me. I will take the time to find out what caused you to start taking drugs from the start, we will work together to resolve those issues and I will teach you effective coping strategies to help you recover and remain in recovery.

If you would like to speak to me about the Harley Street 1-1 drugs treatment I provide, please contact me on 01438 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you. If you prefer, you can email me at

Find Food Addiction Help in Guildford

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with food? If so, then you are certainly not alone. Here at Addiction Care, since my years of providing addiction treatment, I have seen an increase of patients who are suffering from conditions such as compulsive overeating and illnesses such as bulimia. Having an addiction to food can be just as destructive as having an addiction to drugs or alcohol, however, the main difficulty with facing an addiction to food is that one can not simply go ‘cold turkey’. We all need food to survive so the thing that needs to change is your relationship with food and your own self-image.

I have been providing 1-1 treatment sessions for a number of years. To-date I have helped my patients overcome addictions to a range of substances which includes food. As a fully accredited addiction counsellor, it is my job to help you understand why you have a food-related illness. Through the power of talking and self-discovery, I will be able to help you locate when and why your food addiction manifested itself. We can then work together to resolve those issues and I will teach you the coping strategies needed to control your addiction and get your life back in your hands.

If you would like to arrange an initial confidential consultation with me, please contact me on 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you.

Look no further to find food addiction help in Guildford.

1-1 Help Stopping Drinking In Surrey

Have you found my website because you are looking for help and guidance with dealing with an addiction to alcohol? Whether it is yourself who cannot stop drinking or you are concerned about a family member or friend, you have certainly arrived at the right place. My name is Peter and I provide addiction treatment programmes to people in Surrey and the surrounding area. The programmes I provide are delivered on a 1-1 basis which means that you can talk openly with me about your addiction with no judgment. We can then work together on helping you to recover from the addiction that has taken over your life.

If you are a family member then I can also help you as I run a dedicated family programme. These sessions are designed to help equip you with the information and knowledge of how to help the person who is addicted to alcohol remain in recovery once my treatment sessions have finished with them. With the correct support network, remaining in recovery for life is achievable and I want to help you.

For more information about the 1-1 and family treatment programmes I provide, please call me on 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you.

Look no further for 1-1 help stopping drinking in Surrey programmes.

1-1 Help With Drinking Surrey

When you come to us here at Addiction Care for help to recover from an addiction to alcohol, you will receive 1-1 support and treatment from your own personal counsellor. All treatment sessions are carried out from our private clinic based in Guildford, which means whether you are based in Surrey or Guildford, we are able to help you if you need help with your addiction.

From your 1-1 addiction treatment programme with us, we cover everything from understanding what an addiction is, to identifying why the addiction manifested itself in the first place. We work with you to resolve those issues and then learn coping strategies and stress management skills which you can use for the rest of your life to remain in recovery and put your life back in your control.

Gaining a state of recovery from your addiction to alcohol is very much to be viewed as a journey. There is no quick fix, it takes time and effort to fully recover and remain in recovery. However, with our knowledge, help and support, we are confident that we will be able to help you.

To get 1-1 help with drinking from us, call our team today for a confidential chat on 01438 533808. We are here to help and we look forward to hearing from you.

Look no further for your 1-1 help with drinking Surrey clinic.

Berkshire Gaming Addiction Treatment

Since the rise of the technological age, where we now have the internet and gaming at our fingertips, in the form of mobile devices, consoles and desktops, here at Addiction Care, we have seen a vast rise of patients who are suffering from a gaming and internet addiction. This type of addiction is as serious as any other, whereby, the person in the grip of a gaming addiction will become isolated and their lives will be affected in a negative way. This could include, problems at work due to tiredness or not turning up at all and family tension due to isolating yourself to your mobile or gaming device. If you have hit a crisis point and realised that you do in fact have a gaming addiction which is affecting your behaviour and your relationships, then we can help.

There is a misconception that a gaming addiction is one that only affects children and teenagers, we have found this to certainly not be the case. Like all addictions, gaming addiction has no prejudice, it can affect men and women of all ages. We can help, we have carefully crafted gaming addiction treatment programmes to help you overcome your addiction to gaming and put your life back in your control.

For more information about our Berkshire gaming addiction treatment programmes or to arrange an initial consultation with us, please contact our team on 01438 533808. We are here to help.

Berkshire Drug Addiction Treatment

Becoming addicted to drugs, whether that’s narcotics, which includes crack cocaine and heroin or prescription drugs such as painkillers or sleeping medication, starts off with voluntary use of such substances. However, if this voluntary use transpires into a person’s inability to stop taking such substances, then the addiction has taken hold. This will have severe implications for not such your physical health but also your mental health. There will also be consequences for loved ones, friends and other family members.

When in the grip of any addiction, it can feel as if no help will stop your need to take drugs, or you may not even be fully aware of the severity of the substance addiction you have. We are here at Addiction Care to help you get back in control of your life and not let your addiction control you. We do this by providing drug addiction treatment programmes in Berkshire. The treatment plans are 1-2-1 and we help by aiding you to stop using drugs, then staying drug-free and learning how to not revert out of remission.

If you want to take back control of your life then we can help with our Berkshire drug addiction treatment programmes. For more information or for a confidential consultation, please call us on 01483 533808.

Food Addiction Help Berkshire

Change your life with our food addiction help in Berkshire

When everything else is wrong in your life, sometimes food can be the only comfort you have. It’s the one thing you can have total control over, but the roles can quickly reverse meaning food takes over your life and consumes you. Whether you struggle with overeating or think you may have anorexia or bulimia, finding the right help for your addiction is the answer.

At Addiction Care we provide food addiction help to those in and around the Guildford area. We do what we can to provide those suffering with an addiction with a safe place to come and talk through their struggles. With our counselling, we can guide you through your addiction and teach you new ways to live your life.

Thanks to our food addiction help in Surrey, we can support you in a way that means you are no longer facing your addiction alone. Whilst it may seem scary to live your life free from your addiction, we will be able to help you every step of the way.

For food addiction help in Hampshire that you can trust in, choose Addiction Care today. If you’d like to book an initial appointment, call today on 01483 533808.

Alcohol Treatment Berkshire

Change the way you live your life with our alcohol treatment in Berkshire

With alcohol being so easily accessible, it’s no wonder that so many people become victim to an alcohol addiction. What was once a tipple at the weekend can quickly turn into sneaking drinks into work. If you feel like you can’t get through the day without a drink and want to get the right help, we are here for you.

At Addiction Care we provide alcohol treatment in Guildford and can help you overcome your addiction to alcohol. Being addiction experts, we understand the damaging effects an addiction can have to your life.

Whilst some people are able to keep it a secret, others find that they push people away and end up being incredibly lonely. No matter where you’re at with your addiction, we offer a safe and non-judgmental platform where you can tackle your addiction once and for all.

Our alcohol treatment in Surrey is not only effective, but is incredibly affordable and can give you the safe space you need. To speak to us about booking an initial appointment for alcohol treatment in Hampshire, call today on 01483 533808.

Try Our Food Addiction Treatment In Guildford

The complexities that surround overeating, bulimia and food addiction make it one of the hardest forms of addiction to diagnose and treat. A habit like eating can’t be removed from your life, it has to be altered, changed and adapted to befit normal eating guidelines. Our food addiction treatment in Guildford will guide you through this difficult time by offering our exceptional advice.

At Addiction Care we’re selected by individuals for addiction treatments, one-on-one therapy sessions and individual therapy help in Guildford. In each case we will make sure to delicately handle your addiction with our expertise, experience and knowledge in this specific area.

Whether you’re the person with food addiction or you know someone that will benefit from our food treatment services in Guildford, make sure you reach out to us. We create a safe space where the thought processes and reasons behind your food addiction can be confidently and confidentially discussed. We’ll then curate a food plan that will gently start to make improvements in the way you perceive and consume food.

Our food addiction treatment in Guildford will offer you everything you need to shake away the pain, guilt, shame and stress that comes with any food addiction you may have. Choose Addiction Care to receive professional help today by getting in contact with us today.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Berkshire

You could change your life with the right alcohol addiction treatment in Berkshire

You may be surprised to learn about how quickly an addiction to alcohol can form. What may have started out as a tipple or two over the weekend can soon turn into hiding bottles and depending on it to get you through the day. It’s something that can happen to anyone at any point in their life, and when it happens, it’s important to seek the right help.

By investing in our alcohol addiction treatment in Guildford, you can learn to live your life free from the restraints of your addiction. Whilst it may seem impossible to picture your life without alcohol, our addiction counselling will teach you new ways to live.

You will have our full support throughout your recovery, and sometimes just knowing you won’t be alone can make all the difference to how you handle recovery. We will be able to talk through your addiction in great detail, all in the strictest of confidence and with no judgements.

For alcohol addiction treatment in Surrey, choose Addiction Care today. If you’d like to speak to us about having an initial consultation for alcohol addiction treatment in Hampshire, call now on 01483 533808.

Addiction Treatment Berkshire

Are you looking for addiction treatment in Berkshire?

Addiction is something that can affect anyone at any time throughout their life. Whether it’s drugs, alcohol, gaming, gambling, sex or food, solace can be sought in an addiction and it can seem impossible to live without it. By investing in addiction treatment in Guildford, you can learn to live your life free from your addiction once and for all.

Here at Addiction Care we are here to support those who are in need of addiction treatment in Surrey and the surrounding areas. We specialise in addiction treatment and can provide 1-1 support to anyone who is suffering from the restraints of an addiction.

We provide a safe and non-judgemental place where you can discuss your addiction in confidence and work towards living without your addiction. We understand that it can be daunting facing your addiction, but we will do our very best to support you and provide you with the right resources to move forward positively.

If you would like to make a start on your addiction, we would like to hear from you. Fill out the contact form on our website and book an initial appointment for addiction treatment in Hampshire.

Gaming Addiction Treatment Berkshire

The world of gaming and the Internet can be a captivating place to spend your time. What once seemed like an escape from reality, may quickly escalate into an addiction. Here at Addiction Care we are providers of gaming addiction treatment in Berkshire, specialising in addiction counselling. We provide a safe environment where you can come to us with your addiction and discuss it with no fear of judgment.

It’s a place that can bring emotions of belonging and understanding, but it can also be an isolating place to be when you have to face the real world. If you’re looking for gaming addiction treatment in Guildford, we are here to help. With the full support of a qualified counsellor, we are providers of gaming addiction treatment in Surrey as well as gambling addiction, sex addiction and alcohol addiction. We provide a safe platform in which you can face your addiction once and for all.

Whilst it may seem impossible to envisage your life without your addiction, we are confident that with the right help and your cooperation, we can achieve fantastic results.

For gaming addiction treatment in Berkshire that you can trust in, book an appointment by filling out the contact form and trust in Addiction Care.

Alcohol Treatment Berkshire

Could you benefit from alcohol treatment in Berkshire?

Whilst it may have seemed like a good idea to have a G&T to take the edge off, sometimes it can progress into an alcohol addition that takes over your life. It’s easy enough to pour yourself a drink or pop to the off licence, and due to it being so easily accessible, an addiction to alcohol can form incredibly quickly.

Here at Addiction Care we are here to help those seeking alcohol treatment in Guildford. We can work with you every step of the way and help you to overcome your addition. By using our alcohol treatment in Hampshire, you can learn to live your life free from your addiction to alcohol once and for all.

Learn more about our services today and get in touch

Our website has lots of information on our alcohol treatment in Surrey, so why not take a look around to learn more? If you’d like to go ahead and begin treatment, we would like to hear from you.

Call us directly us 01483 533808 or fill out the enquiry form where we will respond as soon as possible.

Alcohol Treatment Berkshire

Are you in need of alcohol treatment in Berkshire?

Whilst drinking in large quantities seems to be accepted by society, it can quickly take over a person’s life and become much more than a casual drink. It can easily escalate from having a drink after work to de-stress, to not being able to leave the house in the morning without having a drink to get you started.

Alcohol may seem like the answer to all of your problems, but being a depressant it can quickly develop into a much deeper issue. If you feel that you struggle with alcohol and would like to invest in addiction treatment in Berkshire, we are here to help.

Here at Addiction Care we are here to help those struggling with the addiction of alcohol. With our alcohol treatment in Guildford, you can learn how to manage your addiction in a safe and healthy way. Whilst it may seem scary to admit you have a problem, we ensure that with our help and your dedication, you will be able to live a life free from the restraints of alcohol.

If you’d like to learn more about our alcohol treatment in Surrey, get in touch today.

Drug Addiction Treatment Berkshire

Look no further for drug addiction treatment in Berkshire

Here at Addiction Care we specialise in 1-1 therapy in Hampshire and can help those facing the perils of drug addiction. We offer a safe and non-judgmental platform in which you can confront your addiction once and for all.

By using our counselling services, you can finally get the support and understanding you may not get elsewhere in your life. You can speak in confidence and work with a qualified counsellor on a 1-1 basis, and learn new ways in dealing with your addiction.

In addition to Berkshire, we help those looking for drug addiction treatment in Guildford and drug addiction treatment in Surrey.

Take the first steps and book an appointment with us today

If you feel like you’re ready to take the first steps towards facing your drug addition, we would like to hear from you. Simply call us on 01483 533808, where a member of the team will be happy to help.

Alternatively fill out the contact form on our website and we will respond as soon as we can. We are always looking for ways to improve our services, and we are waiting to hear from you.

Individual Therapy Guildford

Could you benefit from individual therapy in Guildford?

If you’re facing an addiction of any kind, individual therapy is quite often the best and healthiest way to face it. It allows you to have a safe and secure space where you can talk about your addiction in great detail. Working with a qualified counsellor at all times, you can learn things about yourself that you never knew existed, and face demons you never thought were possible.

Working with us

Here at Addiction Care we specialise in helping those who are suffering from addiction in Guildford and the surrounding areas. Just some of the addictions we cover include:

  • Alcohol treatment Guildford
  • Food addiction treatment Berkshire
  • Gambling addiction treatment Berkshire

When you work with us, you will get the time to talk through your addiction in great deal. With us, you won’t be judged, advised or told what to do. The beauty of addiction counselling is that you finally have the chance to be heard, all the while learning more about your addiction and how it started.

To speak to us about moving forward with our one to one sessions, reach out to us via the contact form on our website.

Drug Addiction Treatment Berkshire

Drug addiction treatment in Berkshire

A drug addiction can strike almost anyone at any point in their lives. From prescription painkillers to street drugs, it can be consuming and destroy the lives of those involved. If you’re ready to conquer your addiction, we are here to help.

Here at Addiction Care we provide 1-1 therapy in Berkshire for those who are suffering from a drug addiction. We can offer you a safe platform in which you can talk through your addiction and work on building a new life without drugs.

Whilst it may seem scary to trust a counsellor with your addiction, you can rest safe in the knowledge that you won’t be judged or treated unfairly. We pride ourselves on providing drug addiction treatments in Surrey and beyond, and do what we can to support those facing an addiction alone.

For a drug addiction treatment in Hampshire that you can trust in, choose Addiction Care today. If you would like to speak to us about moving forward with our counselling service, you can contact us to discuss your requirements on 01483 533808. Alternatively, feel free to leave your details on our contact form and we will get straight back to you.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Berkshire

Alcohol addiction treatment with the right support in Berkshire

Are you tired of hiding your alcohol addiction? Does it consume your life and isolate you from your friends? If you’re ready to face your addiction head on with the help of professional counsellors, now is the time to do it.

Here at Addiction Care we are here to help those who are consumed by their alcohol addiction. We can give you the 1-1 therapy in Berkshire that you need in order to fight your addiction in the most effective way.

A safe platform to build trust 

Whilst it may seem daunting heading into therapy, you can get the right support and no longer be alone in your addiction. You will get the opportunity to have individual therapy in Berkshire in which you can talk about your problems in complete confidence.

Get in touch 

If you would like to have a chat with us to find out more about our one to one therapy in Berkshire, call now on 01483 533808. Alternatively you can fill out the contact form on our website. We are always happy to discuss the options with you, so get in touch today.

Drug Addiction Treatment Berkshire

Looking for drug addition treatment in Berkshire? 

Having a drug addiction can be a lonely and isolating place to live. What started out as an innocent experiment with one or two recreational drugs can quickly spiral into an addiction. If you’ve recently become aware that you are facing a drug problem and wish to face your demons, we are here to help.

How Addiction Care can help you

We are passionate about helping those who face a wide range of addictions. We have the skills and qualifications needed in order to help you in the right way. Our sessions are personalised and tailored to your needs, going at your pace every step of the way. With your collaboration and our understanding, you will be able to talk about your issues in complete confidence with no judgement.

Get in touch and take the first step today 

If you are ready to take the first step and talk about your problems in a safe environment, we are here to for you. Fill out the contact form on our website and select your chosen treatment, or speak to us today on 01483 533808. We look forward to helping you with your drug addiction in Berkshire.

Addiction Help Hampshire

Looking for addiction help in Hampshire? 

Having an addiction is an overwhelming place to be. It’s often the only reason to wake up in the morning and overrules daily life. It can destroy relationships, friendships and leave a person feeling alone and isolated. Quite often the only solace an addict can find is in the addiction itself, making life a vicious circle.

Addiction can come in many forms such as alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, exercise or gaming. It can cause people to lose jobs, partners and quite often a real sense of themselves. Addiction can strike at any point throughout a person’s life and quickly becomes a way of life. If you’re struggling with an addiction and want to work through it with a qualified counsellor, Addiction Care is here for you.

We provide a safe and private platform in which we can talk through your addiction. Working on how it begun, how it affects your daily life and what you wish to achieve, we are here for you. All of our sessions are tailored to your needs, and require your cooperation and dedication to beat the addiction.

To get help for your addition in Hampshire, fill out the contact form on our website and we will get back in touch shortly.

Let’s Conquer Drug Addiction in Surrey

Drug addiction can make you feel vulnerable, alone and stuck in a vicious cycle that is impossible to break.  Many people become dependent on drugs, believing it’s the only way they can endure in life.

Whether the addiction began as a social activity, or a way to mask problems, it can quickly become an integral part of your life, to the point where you can’t see life without it. There are also certain triggers which can drive us to take drugs, which are often unique to the individual, such as a low mood, problems in relationships, or loneliness.

This type of addiction can affect every party of your life, from your relationship with your friends, to your ability to work and function in every-day life.  At its worst, it can destroy our lives completely and lead to utter obliteration.

Do you want to fight back against drug addiction in Surrey?

Addiction can be conquered despite the feelings you might be experiencing. Although it takes courage and resolve the begin the journey to recovery, it needs to be taken one step at a time.

If you’re in Surrey and want to begin that journey, Addiction Care are always happy to help.

To get in touch today, simply give us a call on 01483 533808.

One to One Therapy for Addiction in Guildford

‘No one is immune from addiction; it afflicts people of all ages, races, classes and professions.’

(Patrick J. Kennedy).

The roots of addiction are complex, varied and usually both physical and psychological. The causes also depend on the individual, which is why one-to-one therapy is so effective.

The reasons drug addiction is so hard to overcome is because habits become engrained in the neural pathways of our brain. As a result, drug and alcohol addiction can literally ruin lives; among often problems, it is both a cause and driving factor of homelessness.

Therapy can help people suffering from all kinds of addiction.

In today’s world, people seek therapy for all kinds of addiction, including individuals who can’t stop compulsively overeating. This has become an ever-growing problem in the modern world. Some experts have even defined sugar as the world’s popular drug, with food addiction one of those problems that begins early in childhood.  Unfortunately, we often don’t discover the withdrawal effects of sugar, because we don’t go long enough without it to experience it.

Where can I find one-to-one therapy in Guildford?

Addiction Care offer one-to-one-therapy for individuals suffering from a wide range of addictions in Guildford, including compulsive overeating, drugs and alcohol, gambling, sex, internet and computer games, and co-dependency.

Find out more about our one-to-one therapy in Guildford.

1-to-1 Treatment for Addiction in Hampshire

‘Before you can break out of prison, you must realise you are locked up.’


Is your life is dominated by an addiction to drugs? Or do you fail to form relationships because of an addiction to video games?

At its worst addiction can destroy lives, and it take many different forms beyond the most well-known problems of drugs and alcohol. In the US, it is estimated over 20 million adults are struggling with an addiction of some kind.

There is also a growing epidemic of those addicted to prescriptive drugs, particularly opiates.  Furthermore, the internet has exacerbated many common addictions, such as gambling, compulsive over-spending or watching porn. An addiction to smart phones is also on the rise- with women apparently much more susceptible than men. A study has found that one in five young people are either addicted or ‘fanatical’ about their device.

If you’re looking for treatment for addiction in Hampshire, why not look towards the nearby town of Guildford?

Addiction Care offer one-to-one counselling for a range of problems, including alcohol and drug addictions. We can offer the support and encouragement to facilitate your journey to recovery.

Discover more about our philosophy today.

Looking For Help With Food Addiction In Hampshire?

Christmas time can be a difficult time if you suffer from compulsive overeating. From chocolate treats to jars of sweets, even those with normal eating habits overindulge in December.

Food addiction is one of the most difficult habits to recover from, because we’re surrounded by tempting food every day. A healthy appetite for food isn’t the problem; it’s when overeating leads to obesity, health problems and feelings of shame, guilt and depression.

Food addiction is often known as a psychological compulsion, and falls under the category of a ‘behavioural addiction’. It is often a way to compensate for something that’s missing, and is therefore very much linked to our emotions.

Bulimia is another way of using food to deal with stress or anxiety- like over-eating it causes the sufferer to feel guilt and shame afterwards.

For professional help for food addiction in Hampshire, consider Addiction Care which is based in nearby Guildford.

At Addiction Care we provide expert counselling for both over-eating and bulimia, for clients in Surrey and Hampshire. Our counselling beings with helping people confront their own denial, which is often the most difficult part.

If you’re in Hampshire, why not discover more about our counselling for food addiction?

Or contact us today on 01483 533808.

Please click here to read our previous article.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment In Guildford, Surrey

Around Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the amount we drink tends to increase exponentially. It can therefore be a difficult period for anybody with an alcohol problem.

According to a recent study, women now drink as much as men, and are doing increasing amounts of damage to their health. With the gender gap closing, experts are largely attributing this to cheaper drinks and marketing campaigns aimed at women. However, it could also be because women are suffering increasing amounts of stress.

No matter your age or sex, alcohol addiction can wrack havoc on your life. Unfortunately, often it’s takes a crisis to drive somebody to seek help.

Do you need treatment for alcohol addiction in Guildford?

If you’re suffering from alcohol addiction and are based near Guildford, Addiction Care offer expert treatment to conquer your addiction. We offer the motivational support that you need to break away from addiction.

Our individualised treatment for alcohol addiction includes exploring the emotional triggers behind this type of addiction. Since alcohol is often used as a coping mechanism, this is an important part of therapy. It also involves exploring other ways to cope with stress.

Discover more about treatment for alcohol addiction.

Or give us a call on 01483 533808.

Please click here to read our previous article.

Treatment For Addiction In Guildford

In the modern age, addiction to prescription drugs can be as problematic as an addiction to illegal drugs, like heroin. According to a study in The New Scientist, there are thousands hooked on strong painkillers, with experts calling the epidemic ‘a public health disaster.’

Addiction takes many different forms, and it’s not just drugs and alcohol. Some of the growing problems of the 21st century include internet addiction and those hooked on video games- a habit that is often used as a form of escapism.

Are you suffering from problems with addiction in Guildford?

At Addiction Care, we provide professional treatment for anyone suffering from the wrath of addiction. We are based in Guildford itself, making us ideal for anybody based in Surrey.

Our expert counsellor understands how lonely, demoralising and life-destroying problems with addiction can be. Contrary to popular misconception, addiction affects people from all kinds of backgrounds and with many different problems and life experiences. It is not something that is only out there on the streets, but behind the closed doors of seemingly ordinary households.

With our individual counselling and support, we can help you move past the stage of denial, onto a full and complete recovery.

Discover more about our treatment for addiction in Guildford.

Please click here to read our previous article.

Do You Need One To One Therapy In Hampshire?

‘If you can quit for a day, you can quit for a lifetime.’

(Benjamin Alire Sáenz).

Individualised therapy is often the best way to combat addiction. Because addiction is a complex disease, it is usually driven by both psychological and physiological factors.

Addiction also takes many different forms: alcohol and drugs, internet addiction, sex, food and spending, for example.  One of the biggest growing problems is internet addiction, which is linked to a poor attention span, depression, impulsiveness and anxiety.

Whatever form it takes, when at its most extreme, addiction can destroy people’s lives. We’ve all seen the consequences of alcohol and drug addiction at its worse. All too often the story doesn’t end well.

Do you need one to one therapy in Hampshire?

At Addiction Care we offer one-to-one therapy for a variety of people in Hampshire and Surrey.

Based in Guildford, Surrey, our Accredited Addiction Counsellor wants to aid your journey to recovery. We offer personalised treatment to suit every client, with motivational support every step of the way.

Our one-to-one therapy is perfect for many different types of addiction. Why not discover more about our philosophy today?

To get in touch in Hampshire, simply call 01483 533 808.

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Do You Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment In Hampshire?

‘The chains of alcohol are too light to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.’


There are many different theories as to what causes alcohol addiction. Most recently, it’s been linked to the lack of a key enzyme in the brain, according to the NHS. However, overall it is an extremely complex problem that’s driven by both psychological and physical causes. For instance, withdrawal from alcohol can be extremely debilitating, with symptoms like shaking and dry heaves.  But the drinker might also be emotionally dependent on alcohol.

Our effective treatment for alcohol addiction.

If you suffer from an alcohol problem, it’s likely you’ve reached a point of crisis before seeking help. Despite intervention from friends and family, it can be difficult to confront your own demons. Ultimately, the desire to change has to be your own.

At Addiction Care we help clients from all over Surrey and Hampshire to conquer alcohol addiction. Our treatment starts with clients abstaining from alcohol, with therapy exploring the emotional issues that trigger your alcohol use.

Why not discover more about our treatment in Surrey?

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Do You Need Sex Addiction Treatment In Berkshire?

Contrary to popular belief, addiction isn’t only confined to drugs and alcohol. Technically you can be addicted to anything that stimulates your reward system. Sugar, work, video games, sex…

What precisely is sex addiction?

Sex addiction means you involve yourself in compulsive activities, despite the fact they incur negative consequences. Whether it means you can’t stop having affairs, or watching pornography gets in the way of your personal life, it could mean you need treatment.

Sex is a wonderful, pleasurable, natural part of life. But it’s when compulsive behaviour causes you physical or psychological damage that it becomes a problem. If you’re addicted to having impulsive sexual encounters, for example, it can destroy the relationship with your partner. They can often end up feeling manipulated and rendered powerful by your behaviour.

Similarly, if you’re addicted to porn, it can stop you enjoying real sexual encounters.

How can I get help for sex addiction in Berkshire?

If you’re based in Berkshire and need treatment for sex addiction, Addiction Care have an experienced sex addiction therapist. Based in Guildford, we’re extremely close to a number of locations in Berkshire and Hampshire.

Discover more about our treatment for sex addiction.

Or give us a call on 01483 533808 .

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Gaming Addiction Treatment In Hampshire

Do you have a problem with gaming addiction in Hampshire?

Internet and video game addiction is one of the fastest growing problems in the UK- and elsewhere in the world; in Japan, for example, there are boot camps for those with gaming addiction. Video games might offer escapism but this escapism can ultimately lead to a loss of fulfilment in the real world.

While gaming might not seem like a serious addiction, the ramifications are bigger than you think. Whether somebody fails their exams due to a gaming addiction, or it stops you having a social life, the consequences can actually be devastating. Part of the problem is that people don’t take gaming addiction seriously, even if somebody is glued to games all day. It can sap somebody of their motivation, and can compound social anxiety in the long term.

Like many addictive behaviour, gaming is fine in moderation; it’s when it takes over your life that it becomes a problem.

Our treatment in Hampshire is highly effective.

Treatment of gaming addiction begins with taking a look at the reality of the situation. With gaming addiction, this is often one of the most difficult steps. We can then help you face the problems that might be driving your addiction.

Learn more about our treatment in Hampshire.

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Drug Help In Hampshire

Do you or someone you know require substance misuse help in Hampshire? If so, help is at hand. Today, there is a growing problem with individuals becoming addicted to legal drugs including prescription drugs, alcohol and painkillers. Many people gravitate towards legal and illegal substances in order to combat stress, but the sad irony is that they can actually make emotional problems worse. Drug use can have a hugely detrimental effect on our day-to-day lives. It can cause us to experience a wide range of issues related to family and work and is still causing a high number of deaths.

Win the Battle

At Addiction Care, we can give you access to an Accredited Counsellor that will provide you with the support and treatment you need to be victorious in your battle. We are based in Guildford and are able to offer one-to-one sessions as well as motivational support to help put you on the path of recovery. You are of course welcome to get in touch with us at any point if you do have any questions about what we can do for you or a loved one. We are waiting to hear from you right now if you require assistance for a drug problem.

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Do You Need Treatment For Sex Addiction In Surrey?

Is sex constantly on your brain in Surrey? We bet we’ve got your attention already. Even the word ‘sex’ can be used to snap people to attention- that’s how potent it is.

On the surface it might seem that sex addiction isn’t dangerous; but for many people, it can end up destroying their most intimate relationships. This is especially difficult if you dream of long term commitment and starting a family, or already have a family that is at stake.

Many people who have repeated affairs always promise their partner they’ll change, despite finding it impossible to do so. Whether you’re addicted to one night stands and love the thrill of the chase, or you can’t stop watching porn, addiction to sexual activities can end up being extremely inimical.

Since this type of addiction is often secretive, the person can end up consumed by guilt and shame.

Our treatment for sex addiction is ideal for anyone in Surrey.

At Addiction Care, our counselling starts with helping clients understand that abstinence does not mean not having sex, or refraining from relationships. Far from it- it’s about having a healthy relationship with sex.

Why not find out more about our counselling for sex addiction?

Treatment For Food Addiction In Surrey & Berkshire

Eating disorders are unfortunately on the increase in the UK, and they don’t just affect girls. In particular, social media has been blamed for fuelling unhealthy eating habits. According to the charity Beat, 725,000 people suffer from an eating disorder in the UK, with a majority suffering from anorexia or bulimia.

Bulimics can unfortunately often hide their habits, which can have extremely devastating effects. If you have bulimia, you often appear to have a healthy appetite, and the problems are usually behind closed doors.

Overeating in modern society.

In the modern age, there are also big problems with compulsive overeating, sometimes known as ‘food addiction’. This problem is even harder to detect, even though it causes shame, guilt, depression and isolation. It can also have a huge effect on your confidence, especially if your weight becomes a problem.

If you’re seeking treatment for problems with food, and are in Berkshire, consider our counsellor in Guildford. Our Accredited Addiction Counsellor can help you recover from food addiction, and recover your self-esteem at the same time.

Our treatment includes helping you look closer at denial, and therefore create a better picture of the reality of the situation.

Learn more about our treatment near Berkshire.

Or give us a call on 01483 533808.

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Fight Back Against Drug Addiction In Surrey

Modern drug addiction isn’t just linked to illegal drugs, but there is rising problems with those addicted to strong painkillers and prescription drugs. For many people, taking drugs feels like the way to cope with stress- even though, in the long term, it makes such problems worse.

Whether it’s sleeping pills or Valium, the detrimental effects on your life are the same. From relationships with friends and family to your career, drug addiction can wrack havoc on every aspect of somebody’s life.

According to the BBC, deaths from drugs and alcohol addiction have hit record levels, with 3,000 deaths linked to such problems in 2014. This is the highest figure since modern records began in 1993, according to the Home Office.

For help with drug addiction in Surrey, simply call our clinic today.

At Addiction Care, we believe that the end of addiction is entirely your choice. Our Accredited Counsellor wants to help you take back control of your life, offering treatment that truly works.

Based in the heart of Surrey, in Guildford, Addiction Care offer motivational support and 1 to 1 sessions to help you on the journey to recovery.

Discover more about our help for drug addiction.

Or give us a call on 01483 533808.

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Seeking Drug Addiction Treatment In Surrey?

Drug addiction is considered by many to be a disease; this is because it eventually changes the structure and functioning of the brain.

Although it’s the addict that takes the initial decision to consume drugs, the addiction which follows affects self-control and prevents people making sound decisions. This is because drugs affect the communication system in the body, including the way we send, receive and process information. In particular it’s changes those parts of the brain that are critical for judgement, decision-making and behaviour control.

Some drugs, like heroin or cannabis, even have similar structures to natural neurotransmitters in the brain. Because of this similarity they ‘fool’ the brain into sending abnormal messages. The part of your brain that they most affect is ‘the reward system’ as your body eventually adapts to the drugs.

It’s also not uncommon for somebody to relapse when they come off drugs. But this merely means that they might need to try a different approach.

Get the help for drug addiction in Surrey.

If you’re suffering from drug addiction and need treatment in Surrey, consider our accredited counsellor in Guildford. Based in the heart of Surrey, our clinic offers a friendly and supportive place to overcome drug addiction, and get the treatment that you need.

Find out more about our drug addiction treatment.

Or give us a call on 01483 533808.

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Help For Addiction In Hampshire

‘Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through one’s pain.’

Eckhart Tolle.

Are you suffering from drug or alcohol addiction in Hampshire, and need help?

If you’re struggling from problems with addiction, nobody needs to tell you tough that is- the chances are that you already know that.

However, often it takes a crisis to make somebody realise that they finally need help. No matter how lonely, vulnerable or hopeless you feel, there is always a way to create a new chapter in your life. However, in order to start this journey towards recovery, you must have the courage and resolve.

Addiction doesn’t just cause suffering to you, but to everybody that cares about you. But you do have the power to leave such problems behind you.

Why choose Addiction Care if you’re based in Hampshire?

Since our clinic is based in Guildford, we regularly attract customers from Hampshire. Our personalised treatment is tailored to suit every individual client. No matter what’s driving your addiction, we’ll help you both confront and learn to cope with the emotional triggers.

To get in touch in Hampshire, simply call 01483 533 808.

Drug Addiction Treatment Near Berkshire

Are you looking for an Accredited Addiction Counsellor for drug addiction?

Drug addiction can destroy lives more than any other addiction. Although many people can use them recreationally, for others drugs take them to a more destructive place. This is especially true if they’re used as a coping mechanism, which is often how such problems starts.

Since drugs can completely change your behaviour, they can turn you into somebody you’re not. Friends and family often feel helpless and don’t know what to do. It can affect everything from your work to your relationships and family life, and stop you from living the life you want.

Drug addiction can also take many different forms, from Class A drugs to prescription drugs, such as strong painkillers. Whether it’s legal or not, the effects are ultimately the same.

Work through denial and start on the road to recovery.

Ultimately, the will to recover has to be yours. But professional help can make a big difference.

If you’re in Berkshire, Addiction Care offer the support you need to confront and conquer your drug addiction. This includes helping you explore the emotional triggers which lie behind your addiction.

We are based in Guildford which is ideal for anyone in Surrey, Hampshire or Berkshire.

Discover more about drug addiction treatment today.

Or give us a call on 01483 533808.

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Expert Addiction Treatment Near Berkshire

Addiction is any condition where someone persists in taking substances, or partaking in activities, even though it causes negative effects. It can be anything from playing too many video games, to taking drugs like cocaine. Even work itself can be an addiction.

The sufferer experiences withdrawal when they try to quit- whether it’s psychological or physical, or a combination of both. The addict’s first problem to tackle is their dependency on the substance or activity.

Although drugs and alcohol addiction are well-known, other addictions like overspending and playing videogames are now extremely common. The psychology of addiction can be extremely complex, and differs from person to person. But most damaging addiction rip through people’s live, regardless of the causes underlying them.

Expert addiction treatment near Berkshire.

At Addiction Care we help people from all walks of life to combat addiction. Based in the county town of Guildford, our clients include those from across Berkshire.

Our Accredited Addiction Counsellor understands the pain which addiction causes, and how difficult it can be to overcome it. He can help you start the journey towards a better life- free from addiction.

Start your journey to recovery in 2016.

To get in touch, simply call 01483 533808.

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Alcohol Addiction Treatment Berkshire

Do you have an alcohol addiction? Do you find yourself drinking too much, too fast, or too often? Then you’re not alone. Many people struggle with controlling their drinking at some time in their lives. The good news is, no matter how severe the problem may seem, most people who have an alcohol addiction can benefit from some form of treatment. Many people contact Addiction Care when they require alcohol addiction treatment in Berkshire, Guildford, Surrey or Hampshire. The company was founded by Peter J Davies NCAC – an Accredited Addiction Counsellor. He has an expert understanding of what his clients are going through when they’re in the grip of an alcohol addiction and is dedicated to helping them make a full recovery.

What to Expect

It’s only natural that you’re wondering what to expect when you start treatment at Addiction Care. After all, stepping into the unknown can be scary for anyone. Your journey will begin with abstaining from alcohol and being sober. Then, in therapy, you’ll begin exploring the emotional triggers or the issues in your life that have led you to depend on alcohol. Take a look around the website to find out more about alcohol addiction treatment at Addiction Care.

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Get Help For Drug Addiction In Hampshire

In the 21st century, drug addiction takes many different forms. Although we traditionally associate it with Class A drugs like cocaine, there is growing problems with prescription drugs, particularly strong pain killers. There are also the dangers of certain drugs being available online.

However, street drugs like ecstasy are continuing to cause big problems too. A Global Drug Survey in 2016 polled drug users and found that stronger pills and powders are in circulation. This means that young people are more likely to end up in an emergency department.

In today’s often stressful world, many people turn to drugs to overcome anxiety and depression, only to make such problems worse. In the long term, drugs are never good as a coping mechanism.

Do you need an accredited addiction counsellor in Hampshire?

Based in Guildford, near Hampshire, Addiction Care could be the help you’re looking for.

Whether you’re suffering from drug or alcohol problems in Hampshire, our experienced counsellor can help you both confront and overcome drug addiction. Based in Guildford, we are only a short drive from many parts of Hampshire, including Aldershot, Fleet and Farnborough.

For more about our help for drug addiction, click here.

Or give us a call on 01483 533808.

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Individual Therapy For Addiction In Hampshire

In order to beat any addiction, therapy of some kind is usually needed. This is because addiction is often driven by psychological problems, along with the issues of physical withdrawal. Without emotional support, an addict is vulnerable to relapsing.

Why undertake individual therapy in Hampshire?

Because addiction is a highly personal and individual problem, driven by different factors, individual therapy is often the most affective. Some emotional and physical problems can feel to harrowing to discuss in a group. A therapist can help you confront complex issues which are driving your addiction and are unique to your experience.

Whether you need help managing stress, or have suffered a painful past, individual therapy will get to the root of your problems. It’s much easier to be open about your problem when confiding in only one person.

Individual therapy is also easier than confiding in friends or family who are too emotionally involved.

Where can I get individual therapy for addiction in Hampshire?

Addiction Care are ideal for anyone suffering from addiction in Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire. Based in Guildford, our counsellor offers expert therapy for those suffering from a range of problems, including alcohol and drug addiction.

To get in touch simply call 01483 533808.

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