1-1 Food Treatment in Harley Street

As a fully accredited addiction counsellor, I am here to help my patients who are currently facing an addiction which is negatively impacting their lives and the lives of their friends and family. One particular area I focus on is food addiction, which includes compulsive overeating and bulimia. This type of addiction, if not treated will have severe affects on both your mental and physical health, however, recovery is certainly achievable.

Dealing with a food addiction can be extremely difficult as you cannot simply cut out food from your life to aid with recovery. It is also likely that the addiction has manifested itself from your self-image and how you view yourself. Here at Addiction care, we deal with the mental issues first so we can then work on helping you build a positive relationship with food.

From our continued growth, we have now had the opportunity to open a treatment clinic in Harley Street to better serve our patients based in London. If you need 1-1 addiction treatment, then you are certainly in safe hands.

To arrange an initial 1-1 food treatment consultation with me in Harley Street, please call 01483 5333808. I am here to help you and your family with your addiction.

Addiction Care is the leading provider of 1-1 food treatment in Harley Street!