Your Food Addiction Treatment in Guildford

Have you battled with an addiction to food for a period of time and to date, you have been unable to get the compulsive overeating and/or bulimia under control? If so, and you want to put your life back in your hands, then I can help you here at Addiction Care. I provide your food addiction treatment in Guildford in 1-1 treatment sessions. I will work with you to help you understand why you have a negative relationship with food and how this view has transpired into an addiction.

It doesn’t take long for an addiction to food to become a vicious cycle. You first have the overeating which can be in secret or in public, then the shame and guilt that follows causes you to over exercise, force on sickness or completely restrict food for a period of time. This in turn causes you to overeat again and the cycle goes on. Our personalised treatment sessions are designed to break that cycle. You need to learn how to have a positive relationship with food along with being able to resolve any issues that have caused the addiction in the first place to put yourself in a state of recovery.

If you would like more information about your food addiction in Guildford from me, please call 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you.