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Issues with Gambling?

Gambling can be very secretive. Someone can place a bet anytime or anywhere. Traditionally a person
would go to a betting shop in the high street or a casino or a racetrack. Today with the use of Mobile
Devices and the Internet it can be very covert. A gambler places a bet – in an instant they win, or they
lose – its not noticed but the person changes character and behaviour. If they win, they might cash in –
only to find they are back online and doing the process all over again – If they lose – they mask the
action. What happens to that lose? They might chase the bet in fear that they can’t pay a bill they need to
– in fear that their partner might discover and ask a question. They take out a pay day loan or consolidate
all loses on to a credit card – often a hidden credit card that no one else knows about. They can’t go out
for a meal or treat their family to dinner – they make excuses – they enter into denial. Once hooked there
is no way out – the behaviour becomes more secretive and the consequences bigger. Consider someone
that earns a good wage – eventually the erosion of the wins and loses devalue that wage – who can go
from winning, say £500 in one bet of 15 seconds, and then return to working for weeks, 5 days a week to
take home their modest net pay? The gambling devalues the principles and morals the person once had.

Like all addictive processes, the only answer to a Gambling Addiction is complete abstinence. There is no
compromise with an addiction!!

This is not just true of people with Gambling problems – all addictions are the same.
Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Food, Sex, Pornography, Relationships and Co-dependency are all the same.
For people with an Addictive Personality, we all have the problem. No matter whatever the drug of choice

My name is Peter. I am 22 years sober of a drink and 22 years clean of a drug. I specialise in helping
clients in 1-1 Therapy – Face to Face or Zoom – explore their behaviours and look at how it affects them
or their loved ones. I am passionate about helping and our sessions will, be completely private and

I work from the centre of Guildford and take pride in helping clients recover from their addictions and
reclaim their lives.

My phone is on 24 x 7 – call me for a chat. 01483 533808 or email me on

Take a look at my website

Understanding Addictive Behaviour

How many times has someone said to their loved one “Don’t drink so much – just have one drink”. Many say this frustrated that the person seems to have too much to drink once they start – why can’t someone just have one or two – why does it have to be a bottle or more?

To someone without an addiction personality they can do this – however someone that has an addictive personality then its not possible. An alcoholic, if having a first drink will always have a second and then a third – there is no off switch – they drink to much and often there is a consequence. They are not doing it on purpose – the addictive personality wants “more and more”. Unfortunately, if someone has an issue with drink this needs to be explored and if the person concedes this to be the case then the only solution to an alcohol issue is complete abstinence. This is hard to come to terms with and this is the essence of the work that I do at Addiction Care.

This does not just apply to alcohol – it applies to drug use, gambling, food, relationships, co-dependency, sexual behaviour, pornography, spending, social media, computer games and work. Almost anything in extreme use can be classified as an addiction.

Often the first step is to have an assessment with me – an assessment takes 75 minutes and often sitting in a completely confidential space with me, the person hears the truth about their own situation. Then they can start to decide what kind of a future they wish. I never tell a person what to do – that’s not my job – I help them reflect on the truth and then allow and support them to change if it’s their choice.

You can’t give up the addiction without understand the reason / thinking behind the addictive behaviour. You can’t stop on “strength of Character” or “Willpower” or “Determination”. Addiction Therapy will help you understand the thinking and triggers behind needing to use the behaviour – once you understand the reasons that trigger you then you can ACCEPT that the addictive behaviour has a negative consequence in your life and then you make the CHOICE to stop the behaviour.

My name is Peter. I am 22 years sober of a drink and 22 years clean of a drug. I specialise in helping clients in 1-1 Therapy – Face to Face or Zoom – explore their behaviours and look at how it affects them or their loved ones. I am passionate about helping and our sessions will, be completely private and confidential.

I work from the centre of Guildford and take pride in helping clients recover from their addictions.

My phone is on 24 x 7 – call me for a chat. 01483 533808 or email me on

Take a look at my website

October 2023 – A Thought for Christmas Festivities.

The clocks are going back soon – Christmas will be here sooner rather than later. The pressure builds on people to over socialise, attend dinner parties, attend friend’s parties, attend business functions and works parties. Christmas and New Years Eve festivities.

For those with a problem around drink this time can be miserable. One drink normally leads to several and often to negative consequences. It’s hard to say no and to keep sober. If someone has a problem with alcohol and drinks alcoholically – then the first drink is the problem. The pressure during this time of year is that others not affected say “Just Have One” – someone with a problem with alcohol can’t – there is the problem!

This is not just true of people with alcohol problems – all addictions are the same.
Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Food, Pornography, and Co-dependency are all the same. For people with an Addictive Personality – “One is to many and a thousand never enough” – all have the problem. No matter whatever the drug of choice is.

My name is Peter. I am 21 years sober of a drink and 21 years clean of a drug. I specialise in helping clients in 1-1 Therapy – Face to Face or Zoom – explore their behaviours and look at how it affects them or their loved ones. I am passionate about helping and our sessions will, be completely private and confidential.

I work from the centre of Guildford and take pride in helping clients recover from their addictions. If you need counselling for an alcohol addiction or any other addiction get in contact today.

My phone is on 24 x 7 – call me for a chat. 01483 533808 or email me on

Take a look at my website

New Year Resolutions!!

A New Year and we all make that promise.  I will stop drinking or not drink so much. No more drugs. That’s the last bet I will ever have. I am going to lose 3 stones in weight. That’s the last time I look at pornography.

No matter what the addictive behaviour is linked to – Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Overeating, Sex, Porn, Work, Relationships, Computer Games, Spending. We all make promises that it will be different from today.  A few days later, a few weeks later – even a month later – there is a relapse, and we return to that old behaviour.

You can’t give up the addiction without understand the reason / thinking behind the addictive behaviour. You can’t stop on “strength of Character” or “Willpower” or “Determination”. Addiction therapy will help you understand the thinking and triggers behind needing to use the behaviour – once you understand the reasons that trigger you then you can ACCEPT that the addictive behaviour has a negative consequence in your life and then you make the CHOICE to stop the behaviour.

Its so difficult if your loved one is telling you to stop – its so much easier if you understand the process and then make the CHOICE yourself to stop.

Once you understand what triggers you it then becomes easier to move forwards in life and start enjoying The New Year.

At Addiction Care – I help clients with all forms of addiction.  Its face to Face and its totally confidential.

Contact me now and let’s have that first chat.


Sex Addiction is on the increase.

It is difficult to realise the addictive behaviour at first, as it is driven by the accessibility on the internet – as all addictions, use escalates in a very subtle way until the person is preoccupied and obsessed by the ritual of use. Porn and other associated websites are easily available and can be looked at covertly and therefore away from the eyes of our loved ones. Unfortunately, it can have devastating effects on the person – shame and guilt – and equal devastation to loved ones and partners caught up in the consequence of the addiction.

Sex addiction can take several forms and, in most cases, means that the person is involved with compulsive acts; these acts could be – chat rooms, pornography, masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cybersex, multiple relationships, dating agencies, escort agencies, massage parlours, sex workers and prostitutes.

My name is Peter Davies and I have been helping clients with addiction issues of all sorts over 17 years. Sex Addiction is destructive on so many levels, but recovery is possible. Like all addictive behaviours firstly the client needs to understand and talk about the addictive behaviour along with the consequences and then they can start their Journey of Recovery.

I offer 1-1 Counselling and all sessions are held in the strictest of confidence. Like in many things the healing starts once the client begins to talk about their addictions and hears from me that they are not a bad person or the only person in the world that has a problem but that they are a good person and just need help in breaking the addictive behaviour.

At Addiction Care – I help clients with all forms of addiction. It’s face to face and it’s totally confidential.

Contact me now and let’s have that first chat.


All addictions are the same in content whether it be:- alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, internet, gaming, spending, food or relationships.  Once a person has become addicted to something then the only way to get clean from that addiction is total abstinence from that addiction. To do that the person will generally need addiction counselling.

That’s very difficult to understand and grasp. Asking someone not to have another drink is not what the person wants to hear.  However – every time the alcoholic picks up a drink it leads to a second and a third drink – and so on – until there is a negative consequence.

In the case of alcohol – an alcoholic can live their life without the need for alcohol.  Other nonalcoholic drinks are plentiful, and the body does not need alcohol.

What about a Food Addiction?  A food addict can’t stop eating food! Food is needed to fuel the body.  In the case of Compulsive Overeating – this is a form of Food Addiction.  The person eats “comfort foods” – the food is of no value – the sugar in the food gives the person a “high” and acts as a short term comfort to the person’s issues and then the body stores the unwanted food as fat – hence the weight gain and a vicious circle of behaviour leading to negative consequences.

Being in recovery from a Compulsive Eating Addiction the client needs to identify their “trigger foods” and remove them from the diet – much the same as an alcoholic must remove the alcohol from their life.  Once this is done the body learns to survive off good foods and then their weight will normalize.  My job with the client is to help them manage this and then use psychotherapy to explore what is making the person feel unhappy in their life and therefore using food to comfort themselves.

At Addiction Care – I help clients with all forms of addiction.  It’s face to face and it’s totally confidential.

Contact me now and let’s have that first chat.

A Thought About Addiction

An addiction can be using anything to change the way a person feels. You can use – alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, pornography, food, exercise, work, spending.
To understand if someone has started to use one of the above addictively, I ask them to consider the following:

Is what you are using Preoccupying your thoughts?

Is what you are using an Obsession?

Is what you are using Compulsive?

Is what you are using accompanied by a set of Negative Consequences?

If any of these four ring true to you then you are using something to change the way you feel and its either getting close to an addiction or has become an addiction. To understand more about these four indicators – watch the video on my website “What is an Addiction”.
Recovery is possible from an addiction – the sooner you understand what is going on the sooner you can start feeling better in recovery. Its not what you have done in the past – more what and how you are going to live the future.
I am 19 years into my own recovery from addiction and I am here to help you.

I work from the centre of Guildford and take pride in helping clients recover from their addictions.
My phone is on 24 x 7 – call me for a chat. 01483 533808 or email me on
Take look at my website

2021 Is The Year To Stop Drinking

January is a time when people make New Year’s resolutions to stop drinking. 

People wait until January even though their drinking has been problematical for months before. After they start again then drinking quickly escalates back form just one or two drinks at weekends to a drink every day – chaos comes back into their lives again – jobs suffer, loved ones argue and families feel the consequences.

If there is a drinking problem, it will not go away.

The person may need professional help.  I am Peter Davies; a fully qualified Addictions Therapist and my company is Addiction Care based in Guildford.  I specialise in helping people come to terms with their addiction and I guide them through the chaos into long term recovery from their drinking problem.  I have been sober now for 19 years – so I know what it’s like to have a drinking problem and I know how to help you leave the drinking behind and get on with your life.  I help clients on a 1-1 basis.  My treatment is totally confidential. 

I not only help clients with alcohol problems but with all addictions – alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, relationships, co-dependency, food, spending, gaming and internet, pornography.

I work from the centre of Guildford and take pride in helping clients recover from their addictions.

My phone is on 24 x 7 – call me for a chat. 01483 533808 or email me on