Archive for the ‘Treatment For Compulsive Overeating In Hampshire’ Category

Treatment For Compulsive Overeating In Hampshire

Do you think you might need treatment for food addiction, and are based in Surrey or Hampshire?

According to many studies, some foods can be as addictive as drugs, with scientists finding that fattening foods can even be as addictive as heroin and cocaine.  Like these drugs, they overload the pleasure centres in the brain. Since they trigger these pleasurable feelings, it’s no wonder certain foods are so moreish.

Foods that are particularly addictive include pizza, chocolate, cheese burgers, packaged biscuits and ice cream. Overeating can also alter brain function, leading to further problems with food addiction.

Why seek psychological treatment for food addiction?

Like drug addiction, compulsive overeating is also linked to psychological issues. We often eat to comfort ourselves, when we’re feeling lonely or depressed. If you can target the underlying issues, you’ll be much more likely to conquer your addiction.

Although food addiction might not seem serious, it’s effects are extremely detrimental. Obesity and high cholesterol are linked to hundreds of health problems; even an early death.

Signs of food addiction include:

  • Secret eating
  • Binging
  • Compulsive body building
  • An obsession with your body image.
  • Avoiding social events

At Addiction Care, we offer treatment for anybody suffering from compulsive overeating or bulimia in Surrey and Hampshire.

Discover more about our treatment for food addiction.

Please click here to read our previous article.