Archive for the ‘Surrey 1-to-1 Drink Addiction Rehabilitation’ Category

Surrey 1-to-1 Drink Addiction Rehabilitation

Coping with an addiction to alcohol is difficult at any time of the year, however, the problem for people seems to magnify in the festive period. It seems that any moment you turn the TV on, some brand of drink is being advertised and as this is the party season, it can be even harder to resist the urge to drink. Whether you have battled with an addiction to drinking for years and you struggling to remain in recovery, or you have realised this year that you have a problem with drinking, I am here to help.

Addiction Care is run by myself and in Surrey, I provide 1-to-1 drink addiction rehabilitation. I am here to help you recover from your addiction to alcohol and to ultimately put your life back in your control. An addiction to drink can be devastating for you, your family and anyone close to you and whilst in the grip of the addiction, you may not realise the severity of the problem. However, if you have hit a crisis point or the people who care about you are concerned about your consumption of alcohol, then I am here to support you and your family.

If you have any questions about the Surrey 1-to-1 drink addiction rehabilitation services I provide, please call me on 01483 533808. We are here to help and we look forward to hearing from you.