Archive for the ‘Professional Help for Addiction in Guildford’ Category

Professional Help for Addiction in Guildford

‘Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles and you have to change it.’

(Jamie Lee Curtis).

Are you struggling to stick to that new year’s resolution, to move forward in life? Do you feel enmired in the old problems of addiction?

Addiction can be one of the loneliest places in the world, and doesn’t just destroy you, but everyone around you.

Ripping through families and damaging relationships, addiction has wide-reaching consequences. It isolates you from the things you enjoy, ruins relationships, and has both a high emotional and physical cost. When seeking help, you naturally feel vulnerable and scared, but it’s better than staying where you are.

If you’re looking for professional help for addiction, and are based in Guildford, our accredited counsellor is keen to help.

Addiction Care offer exceptional help for anybody suffering from addiction problems. Moving beyond the place you are currently takes courage- and we’re here to help you do it.

We help clients in Guildford suffering from a range of addictions, including drugs and alcohol. Based in Guildford itself, our help is based on facing issues and confronting what lies behind an addiction.

Start your journey to recovery in 2017.