Archive for the ‘Food Addiction Guildford’ Category

Food Addiction Guildford

With the New Year in full swing, are you ready to tackle your food addition in Guildford?

If you are someone who is battling with a food addiction, this time of year may be particularly difficult for you. With food being more present at this time of year than normal, chances are you’ve had to hide your addiction in plain sight to spare the prying eyes watching you. A food addiction is something that many people don’t understand, and whilst people on the outside may think it’s an aversion to food, the truth is that it’s the opposite.

A food addiction is all about having full control over food, eating and feeling full. It’s all about burying the feelings that you’re experiencing and controlling food- because quite often it’s the only thing you feel as though you can control.

Whilst it may feel as though your life is spiralling out of control, let me reassure you that there is always an answer and a way to gain a healthy view on food. By investing in my food addiction treatment plan, we can work together and learn more about your addiction.

I understand that it may seem scary, daunting or you may be in some denial as to your addiction, but just coming to this page proves that you are aware, and you want to do something about it.

If you would like to take that first, and most important step, get in touch via the contact form to book an appointment today.