Archive for the ‘Do I Have A Problem With Alcohol?’ Category

Do I Have A Problem With Alcohol?

Have you found my website because you are searching online for answers as to whether you have a problem with alcohol? The honest answer is if you are concerned with your level and frequency of drinking or you feel you can’t get through particular parts of the day without alcohol, then, unfortunately, the answer is yes, you likely do have a problem with alcohol. The mere fact that you are concerned enough to seek advice online, indicates that you realise you have a problem, which is an extremely important step in self-realisation.

Do I have a problem with alcohol? This question is extremely difficult to answer without having an initial consultation with you. Whether you have been concerned on your own or family members or friends have commented on the fact they feel you may have a problem with alcohol, one thing I promise to do is give you honest and impartial advice. Being successfully in recovery from an addiction to alcohol myself, I understand better than most what signs to look for.

Although realising you are addicted to alcohol can be a worrying and stressful time, I am here to help. I provide 1-to-1 addiction treatment programmes to help you work through and recover from your addiction. If you would like more information or to arrange an initial consultation with me, please call 01483 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you.