Archive for the ‘Counselling For Compulsive Over-Eating In Hampshire’ Category

Counselling For Compulsive Over-Eating In Hampshire

Got the post-Christmas blues, and been finding comfort in food?

Food is one of life’s greatest pleasure, but unfortunately obesity is one of the biggest growing problems in the western world. In the UK, over 32 million people are now clinically obese. Meanwhile, in America, over two-thirds of adults are considered overweight.

There’s no doubt these are worrying statistics; and the problem is only getting worse.

Food itself is rarely addictive- it’s the process of eating itself which is compulsive.

Because the substances itself aren’t addictive, food addiction is what’s known as a psychological compulsion, or ‘behavioural addiction’.

Overeating is often a way to compensate for something that’s missing and, consequently, is draining emotionally, mentally and physically.

Bulimia is another way of using food to deal with stress or anxiety. Like over-eating it causes the sufferer to feel guilt and shame afterwards.

Are you worried about you eating habits in Hampshire? Do you feel that you need professional help?

At Addiction Care our 1-1 counselling helps individuals with the problems of both over-eating and bulimia. Based in Guildford, we can help you regain confidence and self-esteem, along with a healthy lifestyle.

Discover more about our counselling for food addiction.

Please click here to read our previous article.