Individual Therapy For Addiction In Hampshire

In order to beat any addiction, therapy of some kind is usually needed. This is because addiction is often driven by psychological problems, along with the issues of physical withdrawal. Without emotional support, an addict is vulnerable to relapsing.

Why undertake individual therapy in Hampshire?

Because addiction is a highly personal and individual problem, driven by different factors, individual therapy is often the most affective. Some emotional and physical problems can feel to harrowing to discuss in a group. A therapist can help you confront complex issues which are driving your addiction and are unique to your experience.

Whether you need help managing stress, or have suffered a painful past, individual therapy will get to the root of your problems. It’s much easier to be open about your problem when confiding in only one person.

Individual therapy is also easier than confiding in friends or family who are too emotionally involved.

Where can I get individual therapy for addiction in Hampshire?

Addiction Care are ideal for anyone suffering from addiction in Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire. Based in Guildford, our counsellor offers expert therapy for those suffering from a range of problems, including alcohol and drug addiction.

To get in touch simply call 01483 533808.

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