Harley Street 1-1 Drugs Treatment

Here at Addiction Care, I have noticed a large increase in professionals from London experiencing drug addiction. From speaking to them, there are a number of reasons the addiction to drugs has manifested itself. However, some of the common causes include high-pressure jobs along with the stress of coping in a large city which can develop into burnout and depression and drugs are taken to help relieve the stress. It doesn’t take long for this circle of behaviour to turn into a full addiction to drugs. As a result of this, I have started to offer my 1-1 drugs treatment programmes from Harley Street, so I can better accommodate my patients in London.

Having established myself as a leading drugs treatment counsellor in Guildford, you can be sure that you will get the highest level of care and support from me. I will take the time to find out what caused you to start taking drugs from the start, we will work together to resolve those issues and I will teach you effective coping strategies to help you recover and remain in recovery.

If you would like to speak to me about the Harley Street 1-1 drugs treatment I provide, please contact me on 01438 533808. I am here to help and I look forward to hearing from you. If you prefer, you can email me at info@addictioncare.co.uk.