Archive for the ‘Surrey 1-1 Alcohol Addiction Treatment Therapy’ Category

Surrey 1-1 Alcohol Addiction Treatment Therapy

Do you need alcohol just to function through a normal day? Whether that’s because without alcohol you suffer physical withdrawal symptoms such as shaking and dry heaving or do you feel you need to consume alcohol to emotionally get through the day? If so, then the unfortunate truth is you have an addiction to alcohol. The good news is, recovery is certainly possible and if you have found us because you realise the severity of your situation and you are looking for 1-1 alcohol addiction treatment, then you have taken the first big step. You have realised you have a problem, you aren’t in denial about the situation and are open to help.

I offer completely open and honest treatment. I am here to help you realise why you are addicted to alcohol. It is extremely likely that there is an unresolved issue in your life which has caused you to drink and not stop drinking. Once the issue is identified, we can work together to resolve it. It may sound cliché but the best way to recover is to take every day at a time.

For more information about the addiction treatment programmes I offer here at Addiction Care, please feel free to contact me on 01483 533808. I am here to help and you can talk to me in full confidence.

Look no further for Surrey 1-1 alcohol addiction treatment therapy.