Archive for the ‘Non-Residential Addiction Treatment’ Category

Non-Residential Addiction Treatment

Are you searching online for a rehab centre local to Surrey which you can come to for help but does not require you to stay with them at their facility for a period of time? If so, then we are pleased to say that you are in safe hands with us here at Addiction Care. We specialise in providing non-residential addiction treatment.

What is non-residential addiction treatment?

The simple answer to this is, a rehab centre that provides day time treatments with no requirements for overnight stays. This means that you can come to us and undertake your rehabilitation programme during the day and return to your home at night.

What are the benefits?

At Addiction Care we believe there to be a number of benefits to providing non-residential addiction treatment. This includes the price being kept affordable as you won’t have to pay the extra that other rehabilitation centres charge for staying overnight for a period of time. The other key benefit is that you aren’t taken out of your familiar surroundings. This means that whilst you are with us you can start implementing the processes we will teach you at home straightaway.

For more information about the non-residential addiction treatment we offer, please call us on 01483 533300. We will be more than happy to help.